Chapter 4: Training days

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Days after left Wolves-Bane we set up camp in the forest and knew we had to start training everyday we could. I talked to Promus about the flames that were on his axe and the black flames that were on my scythe. He told me hat the flames on his axe were familiar but from an other world, but the black flames on my scythe were different. They gave him a bad feeling but he ignored it due to me being his friend. I also decided that I relied on my scythe way too much and need to train my swordsman skills, since I carry two swords anyways. The beast was proof enough to make me notice that I needed to work on all my skills if I want to keep living because there are things much stronger than that out there. After we sat at the camp for a while we set off to train. Darin and Farin chose to go out to a waterfall near the camp to practice there skills like when they were young. Eruanethiel chose to go to the treetops to train with only the birds able to watch her dance with her sword and sleep with the fresh air of the skies. I know I'd love to watch her practice, maybe even practice with her, and be able to sleep next to her. But that will never happen, well not her at least. Marcus chose to go on a trip to the nearest small town to train his skills in stealth and get new gear. Promus asked if he could train with me, I accepted his offer and it also gave us some time to talk about something's. We chose to go to s cave that looked over the camp and some of the woods. Before we went out separate ways to train we all gathered around a smoldering fire and all looked at each other with the same look and agreed to meet back up after a month of training. In that moment we all knew in our hearts that this is going to change how things go for us. We knew that we never would have to see each other die or fall in a fight after this. As we turned to our destinations I hear a whisper of a woman saying, "Be carful, ok?" I knew who it was and smiled and nodded.

As Promus and I reached the cave we set up how we were going to sleep and where our fire was going to be. We both sat down around the fire and looked out at the forest and the sky enjoying the beauty that they both gave.

"He Wrex, are you planning on meditating or trying to figure out what the figure you saw was?" Promus asked me.

"Maybe, all I know is that I need to improve my skills with my swords since I carry them and all. I realized I rely on my scythe way to much on battle." I replied to him.

"Well, you might like to know why I always said that I never saw anything or heard anything before when you asked me," he started,” I have seen figures and I have heard voices. I never told you because I didn't want to be judged or looked down at like a mad man. I'm sorry Wrex."

"Don't be sorry Promus. I understand but we never would have judged you or looked down at you. Your our friend, we wouldn't treat you like a mad hatter," I responded to him making him feel a little better about not sharing.

"Thanks wrex. You are the first human that has ever treated me nicely, it's a nice change," he said with a small, feint smile on his face,"anyways The figures that I've always seem to see are figures of fire and a giant with fire in hand. I don't know the meaning of it but that's what I will be meditating on."

"Alright, well I might try it sometime during this month of training." I told him.

"Well wrex I'm going to start my meditation right now." He said as he was getting up to move.

I nodded and stood up to start my training my skills. For about a week our schedule was wake up, hunt food down, eat, train, hunt, sleep and repeated. It was a constant schedule that didn't change until Promus and I had dreams of figures that we have seen before. I saw a man skeleton in with black flame that looked like a cloak and had a bone scythe in hand. Just dreaming of this figure made me feel like was coming for my head. Promus saw a giant that had flame in hand, the Giants flame made Promus feel like he was burning up. We both woke up with a scream and grabbed our weapons thinking that we were being attacked. We quickly realized that we had only dreamt of the figures and put out weapons down. We talked about what we saw and decided to meditate on the visions we saw. After a while I heard a voice tell me that I'm not ready to know the truth yet. I wondered why the voice told me that but I'm not going to just stop doing what I'm doing. When the sun rose we opened our eyes and saw that our bodies had small flames around them. We watched each other's flames as we sat there, we both had no clue how they got there but we knew we had to train physically to help our stamina with controlling the flames. We had no clue if they were controllable but they were emitting from our bodies so they must be controllable. As we sat there the flames shrank and we looked at each other and smiled and grabbed our weapons to start training. The schedule from day to day changed to us sleeping a little, getting up and meditating to sunrise and than training physically. We did include eating and other things but those are minor details of the schedule.

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