When life gives you lemons.

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When life gives you lemons, take a a shot of tequila, lick the salt and chomp down on the lemon.

This is my motto, don't take anything too seriously and embrace everything life can give you. The lessons, the moments and have no regrets.

I'm Sunday Evans, 21 and 5'4.  I'm about to embark on a summer of adventures. I saw an add on social media offering me places to volunteer. I thought why not!? I'm only young once, I always loved exploring and this seemed perfect.

I was getting ready to go to Shady Oaks Summer Camp in the states and be there all summer. Have a great time and be paid for it. We get downtime to explore and go off on our own.

I sat in my bedroom packing all the essentials for my summer away, to the point I needed mum to sit on the case to close it. I had to admit to myself I was nervous slightly but I knew once I was there and got stuck in I would be fine.

My parents had tried to get me to weigh up the options and do something closer to home, however this was something I was set on and like my Dad, I was stubborn and I was determined to do this. Eventually they supported my decision as long as I made time for a chat and let them know I was still alive, they were happy.

Of course I was nervous, who wouldn't be? I'd never gone outside the city boarder, let alone another continent but I couldn't back out now. I just had to keep reminding myself I would be fine and just persevere. This summer was going to top all summers and I was sure I wouldn't regret anything, like always.

I have always had this mind set that you couldn't say you didn't like, enjoy or have an opinion on something if you hadn't tried it first, within reason of course.

I didn't know what I was going to take away from the experience but I was willing and ready to find out where it was going to lead me. I wanted to gain as much as I could in the little time I was there. There was so much I wanted to do, I just wasn't sure I'd be able to do it all.

I wasn't going to be totally alone, I had a pen pal over there who I had explained everything too and she had said she was signing up too. When we both got told we'd be going I was so excited to meet her and get to her know her in person. I mean we'd FaceTimed on occasion but this was different, I was going to meet my friend face to face for the first time. I was just hoping it would be just as easy to be friends like we are now.

All I know about her really is her name is Kelly, she's the same age as me and she is interested in care work. Which was great considering we were both going to a camp filled with children that we're early to mid teens and we would all be assigned what we were doing when we got there.

I told them on the application I was good with music and could play a few instruments, which they seemed happy with. I am hoping I will be doing something with that. My mums voice came sounding around me pulling me out of my scattered thoughts.

"Sunday! Hurry up we need to be out of the house in 20 minutes."
"Ok! I'm almost done." I yelled back down.

Ok, I have my case, passport, boarding pass, phone, laptop and camera.

I walked over to the mirror and saw my reflection staring back at me, with messy blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Wearing a band tee and mom jeans, teamed with a pair of beat up converse.

Come on Sun, you've got this chick. No regrets and no backing out.

As we said our goodbyes and shed a couple of tears, I made my way through security. I found myself bubbling in anticipation in what was to come. I was finally doing something on my own, that I chose and that I would be grateful for in the future.

The 9 hours that follows felt like a lifetime and I was finally touching down on the runway. Kelly had offered to meet me at the airport and take us to camp, we agreed for me to sort out fuel and get snacks for the drive. The camp were putting us up a day before the kids arrived so we could get settled and meet one another.

As I was walking through the arrivals gate in to the main terminal, I saw a glittery pink sign with Sunday sprawled all over it. She told me she would be here but I didn't think she was going to make a banner. I couldn't help but smile as she peered around it.

"Sunday! Oh my god, I can't believe you're here!" She half squealed, half yelled in my ear as she pulled me into a hug. I couldn't help the grin on my face.
"Kelly! I can't believe it too. Thanks for getting us there and meeting me here."
"That's no problem chick. Happy I will have a friendly face when we get there." Her accent had me in awe, I had to pinch myself and remind myself this was really happening. "Right lady, lets hit the road."

We were less than an hour away, we talked about school and just kept singing along to the radio. She was down to earth and really chatty. Which was good, otherwise this could have been awkward.

As we pulled up in the parking area, there was a few people already here taking their bags and making their way over to the camp leader who had all the names of those sharing cabins.

"I'm Tina, nice to meet y'all. I'm camp leader and if you could make your way over, I'll point you in the direction of your cabins." Her southern drawl and chipper sound, made this all the more exciting.

Turns out Kelly and myself were sharing along with another girl, who hadn't arrived yet. Apparently there was still a few on the way and we'd all get to meet in the next couple or hours at the camp fire. I was curious as to who our room mate would be and if she didn't mind my coffee habit.

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