34- Just get over here Kalanski

Start from the beginning

I smile at the chaos around me. They actually did it.

"So are you just gonna stand there or are you going to hug your favorite badass?" Caleb grins in front of me, watching all of our friends

"Who said you were my favorite Kazer?" I questions

"Just get over here Kalanski" he rolls his eyes with a wide smile as I jump into his arms laughing. He holds me up and laughs along with me as he twirls me around before placing me back down.

"Thank you for talking him into it" He mumbles as we both turn and watch Arrex lift Emma onto his shoulders

"That was all you captain" I smile up at him

"Thanks princess"

Beck quickly comes running over to us and doesn't even have a chance to say a word before I practically tackle him.

"You guys won!" I laugh as my twin hugs me

"I know!!" He smirks the widest smile I've seen on him in a while.

"Good job dumbass" he smiles as he does the guy hug with Caleb

"boys!" Coach calls them both over for a picture with the trophy while I walk over and join Emna, Amy, Arya and Lenny.

"He's happy" Lenny smiles looking at my little brother. Colton was celebrating with the team, hugging his friends and laughing so hard I could see tears in his eyes. This was his first state championship, it was also the last football game he was going to play with his big brothers.

"He should be" I grin

"They all are." Em agrees, smiling widely at our best friends as the team gathers around the trophy. Tyler jumps and lays across Jordans and Wes's arms. They all make funny faces at the camera while the last few pictures are snapped before finally, the trophy is raised.

"I can't believe we just fucking did that" Jordan huffs as he plops next to me in the diner booth.

We've discovered that we, as a group, have a special talent of finding the best small little diners or bar and grills wherever we go. It was just a weird thing with us. So here we were, all fifteen of us, smushed into a long booth as we pushed six tables together.

"Well believe it my friend, we are now four time state champions" Caleb smiles cockily as he plops next to me.

"You two stink" I say, scrunching my nose as I smell their sweatiness. All the guys were still in their football jerseys with sweatpants or joggers that they they had on the bus. After coach took Caleb to the ER and he got cleared by the doctor there, coach allowed the guys to do what they want for the rest of the night until curfew at midnight. Em, Amy and I bugged them so much to go get food that they didn't even have time to go and shower.

Caleb did in fact have a minor concussion, but nothing life threatening, he does have to take it easy for the next few days, but knowing Caleb, he won't.

"Well I'm sorry, three of the five really annoying girls were pestering us to hurry up cause they were hungry" Wes rolls his eyes

"Some of us didn't have time to shower" Christian says, running a hand through his damp hair

"You three are lucky you're cute" Caleb says sending a glare at all three of us who just smile cheekily in return.

"Ew don't call our sister cute" Arrex makes a distrusted face as Beck, Ace and Colton gag.

"Uh yeah okay, I have had to listen to girls practically fangirling Over how hot you fuckheads are for four years. The shit they have said I wish I can unhear, so you can just shut up and let one person call me cute" I roll my eyes at them with a teasing grin. For years, I have seen and hear guys and girls ogle and fawn over my brothers. It's annoying as hell, most girls just befriend me to get close to my brothers.

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