Chapter 1

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(Rumple and belle are married and are having a baby)

Chapter 1

Rumple P.O.V

Belle screamed, while holding her belly saying "it's coming !"

I didn't know what to say, I wasn't there when Bae was born. I screamed into the hospital "can I please get some help here "as I gestured to belle who was in pain almost crying. Dr. Whale came busting though swinging doors with a wheel chair offering Belle to sit she collapsed in the chair and we ran to the nearest room with Belle still screeching in pain. Some nurses came and helped get Belle situated for the delivery of our child . Dr.Whale put the blue mask over his mouth and nose "alright Belle, I'm gonna need you to push" Belle did so and yelled in agony " alright good, good ,one more" belle screamed she sqezzed my hand tightly then out of the blue I herd a baby scream . Our baby scream .


I asked rumple out of breath"what is it?" Rumple started crying "a girl" he sobbed "it's a girl" the first name that popped into my head . "Elsa. We will name her Elsa. " Dr.Whale handed me my little Elsa then as soon as she was in my hands she screamed but not like normal like Something was killing her from the inside.Dr. Whale put a heat monitor on Elsa "what's Wrong with her?!"I asked "her heart it's.....melting"Dr.whale explained "well how do we stop it!!"I said crying I looked over at rumple he looked just as shocked "fire heart" he murmured "what" I asked,he began to twist his hand around I known what this meant.

He was going to use magic

He kept on twisting and twisting his hands til a light blue cold mist came from his hands and he ushered it into the baby then immediately the baby stoped yelling. I smiled then I looked over at rumple and he was crying then I remembered his old saying

"All magic comes with a price ."

"Rumple? What did you do to Elsa ?"

Rumple looked up and said crying "I turned her heart into ice" he didn't make eye contact I looked down at Elsa then I kissed her forehead then she starting yelling like before "what's going on?!?!"

Rumple screamed at me " don't love her " stripping her from my arms"RUMPLE WHAT DID YOU DO ?!?!" Elsa stopped screaming as soon as she left my arms.

"Rumple I want the truth "

Rumple hesitated then took a deep breath then " she had the fire heart which if not treated it would melt the heart "he gulped"I used to give Pepole fire heart when they didn't pay there debts"

I was confused "so what your saying is?" I asked trying to clerify Rumple cut me off " so I used the opposite of fire ... Ice and froze her heart but as you know all magic comes with a price. And the one thing that can melt a frozen heart is.. Love.

Still confused I asked "so?"

Rumple looked down at Elsa "it means no can love her not even us." He started to weep then I began to sobb I mean just the fact of knowing that you have a daughter and you can't love her at all .well that is a fate worst then death.

Rumple's P.O.V

"We need to isolate her from the town. " I explAined

"WHERE?!?!...WHERE COULD WE POSSIBLY PUT HER?!?!?! Belle yelled still crying

" the old house Zelena was

Belle shook her head furiously " NO"

"Belle" I tried calming her down but no use " the only option we have " she looked down at Elsa "but she's my child " she weeped while looking at poor Elsa I didn't say anything but just gestured to Elsa Belle took one last look at her and handed her to me weeping I took her and exited the room we were in as I left I herd belle crying then I began to cry as well but sucked it up before I entered the hallway Regina and the charming's were there waiting once they saw me they sprang up and came towards Elsa ,

" let me see the little tike"said charming trying to unwrap the blanket

"NO" I said sternly as I proceeded out of the hospital

1 hour later I reached Zelena's old lair Elsa was still in my arms she was making the cute baby sounds. I opened the door and found a couch inside. I set her down on it then I made a crib out of thin air the relocated her to it I looked into her crystal light blue eyes then she sent a Whisk of cold air and ice to the ceiling then her eyes went back to a regular blue. I knew I would have to couch her on her powers And how to use them. I raised my hand and put a protein spell on her that will give the food she need for a while. Then I proceeded to the door of house I stopped cause I herd her laughing and giggling then I opened the door and walked out , leaving my daughter behind.

Blood and Ice and everything nice.(OUAT fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now