Jimin had his black hair disheveled and body clad in a white and blue striped pajamas. He opened his door with a worried look.

"Park Jimin, I think I just had my heart broken." You smiled sadly.

Jimin's plump lips part, he opened his door widely and your lips quiver, your eyes starts to get blurry. You rub your lid with your hand and chuckled but soon stopped and replaced with a shaky breath. The embarassment bubbles deep down, from your feet to the tips of your hair. The words Jungkook said echoes in your head and buried a knife deep down to your fragile heart.

You sniff then threw your arms at Jimin. Your best friend almost lost his balance as he accept you in his arms, wrapping it on your back and patting it gently.

Burying your face at the crook of his neck, "I did it." You mumbled.

"What did you do? Let's go inside, okay?" He said as he try to walk you both to the living room, one hand pushing the door close.

You pulled away from the hug and looked at Jimin with red nose, he sat you on his white couch and he sat parallel to you.

"What happened?"

"I told him that I like him." You said, you couldn't dare to look at him in the eyes out of embarassment.

"And?" His face seems to be expecting a lot.

"He...he doesn't. He told me that he's already in a relationship." Your voice breaks and your eyes starts to water again.

"What?" Jimin pulled you into a hug, your face on his chest and his small hands run through your hair.

"I dont know what happened, Jimin. I thought, I thought that he likes me. I never saw him with other girls. And Im so embarrassed, if I had known that I only assumed everything, I wouldn't have told him. It hurts." You sniff, tears rolling down your cheeks, hands clutching to his white and blue striped pajama.

"Shh, Im sorry. Its partly my fault. I shouldn't have pushed you to do it. I―Im really stupid at calculating things." He said as if he's in pain, you felt him put his chin on top of your head.

You shook your head, "Its not your fault. I did it, its all on me but where did everything go wrong? Everything was going well then another minute, he's in a relationship?" You pulled away and wiped your cheeks with your hands.

"Does Wendy know about this? Did you tell her?" He reaches for the box of tissue in the center table infront of you and pulled a couple of tissue paper then he gave it to you.

You shook your head, "I went to her house but she was with someone, probably her boyfriend or something."

"What? Wendy doesn't have a boyfriend." His pitch rise, and you wonder if he's even a boy with that pitch.

You try to blow the snot that stuffed your nose, you saw Jimin scrunch his nose as he watch you.

"That bitch." He muttured before doing something in his phone.

"Blonde, you better get your ass here right now and leave that dick." Jimin growled as he put his phone beside his ear.

You shook your head to stop him but he avoided your gaze.

You saw his brows furrowed, "Bitch, just be here in five or I will dye your hair hot pink."

You could hear Wendy's voice faintly complaining about Jimin being a disturbance to her night and how spoiled he is.

"Oh, and buy some ice cream along the way. Bye, blonde." Jimin smirked and ended the call.

"Why don't you change and borrow my clothes before Wendy gets here?" Jimin smiled and ruffled your hair.

Angel Beside HimWhere stories live. Discover now