Say Yes

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I remember the day I took up my cross and followed Christ. I got rid of my excuses and realized that my purpose here was to make this world a better place by sharing my testimony and Gods testimony for proof that deliverance is alive. I actually open my mouth and say yes to the calling to spread to the nation that God is waiting on you to answer. He don't won't to leave his children behind. He said he will be their when it gets rough . Life is the preparation for the upcoming events. We shall over come fear and understand that you are your own fear. You have the power to speak life into your actions and decisions. God want to use you as a witness . All he need is your yes. Let God deliver you and strengthen you to lift your brother and sister. So that we all walk together in unity and be prepared for what to come. We are the ones called to bring our mothers and fathers out misery into the promise. All God need from you right now is a Yes.

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