The Breaking and Cracking

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When we become aware of the things that are blocking us from breaking through I called that the breaking and cracking. Break through my sister and brother I promise you when you reach the end the breaking will be worth while . Sometimes it seem like it is hard but keep the faith . Feed yourself with great things and surround yourself with positive people . Keep your mind on the positive things knowing that things gone be alright . Block out anything that you feel like it is reminding you of the soil . Do not focus on the soil just get the nutrients you need from it so you can break through and use it to lift somebody else. God see you and he wants you to know that the breaking is nessasary because it will remind you where you come from and how far you have came . So if you ever feel defeated again you will know that the pain is only temporary. Sometimes it feel like some family members won't allow you to break chains from them but don't be scared to love them from a distance. Sometimes people reflect negative energy on you without them realizing it. Sometimes it you that only see the negative in things because you trying your best to avoid another soul episode. They don't have to hold you hostage to make you feel love. Just a call to make sure you doing okay will mean a lot. Sometimes loving them from a distance is better because once your cup is filled then you have more room to help fill their cup. So don't feel bad if they try to make you feel guilty or shame. Sometimes it's best to stand in isolation so when you are healed it will be easier to stand in anyone presence. Keep reading the word, watch a sermon or a preacher you like to listen to, watch motivational things, read a inspiring book. All of this will help you fight through daily obstacles. Pray over and over again as if you are having a conversation with God. Even when you feel like your prayers haven't been answered pray again. Break through . Fight through . Come through strong. You are the seed planted and you have much light . Your light shines and people recognize you. God loves using you in the soil it may makes you feel weak but God see the strength in your weakness. Once you reached out of the breaking and realized that the soil is only temporary. Then you will realize your strength and weakness was all in the plan.

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