Dropped in the fire

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Talking about being dropped in the fire is sensitive topic . Nobody wants to visit themselves and search through the fire. It start to burns and leave scars. Everybody had been through a form of fire. Even the ones that seem to be protected by others. Somehow find themselves being dropped . So imagine the ones that are not protected at all. Being in the fire sucks. Some people respond to it in many ways. Some fight the fire. Some just end the fire. Some visit the fire. There is no man on this earth that can judge the next . You can't tell a person how to deal with their fire but you can try to lift them through the pain. Help heal the scars. Brother and sister that's all I'm here to do is help heal the scars. Don't let the fire put fear in you . Continue to fight that thing no matter how you respond to it. Don't give in to it and make you rebel against God or refuse to follow Gods way. God gave us the tools to make it through burning times and troubling times. Even things we experienced in our childhood. Some people have visit the fire again because of the covid pandemic. Anxiety started to kick in for some . Depression started to overwhelm some. Keep your faith in the fire because God won't let you burn. Sometimes the fire can feel alone even when people are around because no matter how much you open up to people . You realize that talking to God is you best decision. Even people can handle your scars and wounds properly idk care how many degree they have or how many books they read .God is the only one who can pick you up out of the fire.

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