Being a little bit of a pain in the arse, she throws the no violence allowed rule back in his face.

Him getting a little more frustrated states as it normally stands the Arena is used for sparing/nonviolent forms of combat. Nothing that can or will be lethal to any of the species within the Arena is allowed.

The challenge will be three rounds of two out of three each of the rounds will be more challenging than the last. Telling her that if she has such a wish to finish this here and now just say the word. Going on to say that he does enjoys the predicament they are in, as a side note he tells her if she so wishes they could stay a while sitting as they were. At the end he add a boon If he lost, he would give her the best weapon in his artisanal.

The Bartender from behind the bar announces aloud that the Arena is available for it's Master's use at anytime.

Our lovely Princess not wanting to end their cuddle session but feeling that this challenge must be answered. Telling him if he could get us down from this perch, we can get this drunken mistake undertaken.

Our cloaked friend tells our princess that to get down from there he will have to move his hands from where his supporting her body.

Being a smarty pants she gives permission on the condition he don't do anything inappropriate.

At that moment her cellphone goes off.

Moving his hands, standing within the rafters before his throne with a Princess cradled helplessly in his arms he takes a step into empty space telling her fair point as they fell to earth.

The floor far too close for any to be able to unfurl their wings landing feet first, both knees compressing under the combined weight of both bodies hitting the floor. Instead of falling over having broken anything, Peace keeper just stands up with his load still cradled in his arms as if nothing had occurred at all.

Our princess is vey much physically shaken by the fact they are not flat on the floor. Doesn't check her cell she lets it ring.

The patrons of the pub shaken as well start to angrily/aggressively growl turning into their true selves'. These are not some over grown mutt who's century's long rival sparkles in sunlight.{Yes that is a jab at nonconsensual sparkling Vampires}

These weremutts are a bi-pedal apex monster believed only to be of myth and legend whose ferocity knows no bounds when their honor is questioned. These magical beasts physically turned in Peace Keeper's direction staring down his helpless bundle.

Not having any of it Peace Keeper growls this terrifying highly dangerous warning that shakes the chandeliers, the very walls making the Werewolves cower into backing down. The Bartender walks over to Peace Keeper from where they were behind the bar. "Master would you like me to take this trash out!" gesturing to the patrons

Peace Keeper puts the Princess down, the Princess regretfully lets him put her down. Our princess taking a jab says thought their was no violence allowed within this pub.

Peace Keeper tells her just because a warning was issued in a threating way, does not mean it preceded violence. Nothing that can or will be lethal to any of the species within the Arena is allowed. The challenge will be three rounds of two out of three.

Each round will be more challenging than the last. If you have such a wish finish this here and now just say the word. As a boon If I lose I will give you the best weapon in my artisanal.

Peace Keeper speaks to the Whole Bar telling them I will let this slide this once, next time I let the council deal with you lot or I End YOUR VERY BEING. This disrespectful little Fairy Princesa is under my protection Pulls his cowl back revealing his face.

When he revealed his face the Princess saw this very handsome gentlemen with a long scar from just a little above his hair line to under the eye patch appearing to go through the middle of his eye to his cheek bone. His brown hair is long he keeps it in a loose bun at the base of his skull. His brown eyes showed the fire of his conviction, kindness, strength, humility in his vulnerability not to just wipe the floor with all of them.

As if an after thought You will have me to deal with if any of her hairs is out of place. Seeing Peace Keeper was very agitated the whole bar cleared out in under five minutes. Our princess in a rather shaky voice asks where were we.

Peace Keeper covers head again, she was staring too long. "Before we do anything you still need to get over that killer hangover, You just had to drink what the cool kids were drinking. The drinks you ordered are called rocket fuel for good reason it will give a werewolf a decent buzz"

Our princess stuttering "Oh... that... explains... it". This Pub is the only one that serves it, a normal person drinks that stuff their dead. Peace keeper tells Golem next time only a half shot of the rocket fuel for anyone who is of Fae Ancestry, and absolutely no selling that stuff to humans, get her some coffee and something to eat.

Our Princess mutters thank you. Not being dumb Peace keeper tells her not to thank him yet as  it is time to clean this place up, with a wave of his hand the room was cleared. A look of fright is brought to her face once more.

Making a quick quip he tells her he thought future Queens were meant to be masters of all magic. She tells him still a little in shock stutters out that she has never seen magic like that. He explains "It is a very rare magic that not everyone can do".

After clearing away the mess, he pulls a chair out and motions for the princess to be seated taking the chair across the table from her.

Our Princess realizing this mythical creature before her, from her worst childhood nightmares could have killed her where she stood. Without batting an eye but protected her instead. With this realization she finally was able to start to relax.

So she asks if he has a name besides his title, telling him he may call her Sophie. That she has always found that being called Princess or even by her titles is a little much. He tells her his name given to him at birth was lost long ago. That she may call him Master Peace Keeper or anything she so wishes to call him.

Golem brings her a coffee, orange juice, a veggie omelet, and a banana. The golem tells her here we go, if their is anything else, just let me know and makes it's way back behind the bar.

Peace Keeper wonders if he made our Bartender Golem to friendly. Then he see's them throw someone out for being too drunk or trying but failing to grab their ass.

Sophie with food in her mouth can't believe an Animated Creature like that has the brains to be a bartender and caring enough to be great waitstaff.

Peace Keeper seeing the look of confusion on Sophie's face he explains that Golems are used to are like an old computer only capable of doing a few tasks, one at a time. That his bartender was purpose built for their task in a restaurant setting that they have the flexibility to do what needs to be done.

{Edited up to this point yes I have been lazy with editing, need coffee}

Sophie Finished with her food tells Peace Keeper they are a pretty good cook, its pretty cool that they can run this place by themselves. Thank you for the food Daddy. Peace Keeper taken a little a back asks Sophie of she is calling him daddy just to bug him.

Sophie In this cute voice tells him maybe. Peace Keeper says I swear kids today have no respect, no respect at all for their elders.

After a brief pause

Peace Keeper stands up from the table and snaps his fingers. Saying It seems it's time to get this show on the road. A door appears on the wall, where a second ago their was nothing but wall. Motioning for Sophie to stand, that is the doorway to the Arena, after entering the door will close till our match is concluded. Gather everything you may need within, their will not be a second chance after entering 

Sophie tells him she needs nothing nor wants anything, she is as ready she will ever be.

Just step through the doorway and we will begin

Author's spill:

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