"Is that Haddock?" Snoutlout shout suprised. Wow, not only him, but me too. He looks different, a good different. "Hicc-...Hiccup?" I said nervously. "Umm..who said that I can't really see who's talking in this crowd specifically." But...But we did this all the time. He always remembers my voice whenever he couldn't see me. I don't like where this is going... I have a very bad feeling about it.

     "Whatever, I misheard" he shrugs out of the crowd. "Everybody, meet the 3 soon to be chief. For now, they and their territories will become our allies" he shouted to the crowd. "This is Jackson from the Outsiders territory" he pointed to a brunette haired boy that are pretty tall and has blue ocean eyes like mine. "This is Razael from a village called Lezeras,  not far from Berk" he points to a girl with a long blonde hair "and last, Merida a princess from the kingdom of Dun Broch" he points to a girl with an orange hair that flows wildly. Hiccup didn't saw us. He wrap his hand on that Merida girl waist. Why, I wonder? I though I'm your girlfriend? I want to scream to him , punch him. But it's going to be no use and I would ended up humiliating myself.

     "They're also great friends of mine, please welcome them with respect. Give them some warm welcome and good hospitality." he shouted in proud, as they walk together like a full time celebrity.

     "See he got his new friends, he doesn't need us anymore." I slump my shoulders weakly and my smile just turn upside down. "Astrid, don't be like that.." Ruffnut cheered. I just sigh and nod at her. I mean, new friends the better right? I guess..

     "Toothless, Stormfly, let's get out of here." I said with a heavy heart. Both dragons whimpered and  Toothless gave a glare to Hiccup even though Hiccup didn't see Toothless. Me, Stormfly and Toothless fly back to my house but on the roof. You see, I sometimes hang out with these two dragons on the roof. "Do you think he forgets us?" I asked Toothless and strach his favorite spot. He shook his head and lay down his head on my lap. "What do you think?" I asked Stormfly, but she just shook her head in return too. I must looked crazy talking to an animal, on the roof.

Hiccup P.O.V

      I'm finally back. I'm home.  I introduce my village to my new allies or maybe friends. We hang out a lot obviously, stuck with them or 3 years. Turns out the meeting wasn't bored as I expected, knowing that all Berk controls are in my hands now. "Hiccup! Oh I miss you so much son!" my mom hugged me and I hugged back. "Your friends missed you too you know, they're worried sick!" she explained. "Friends?" I asked rather confused. "Hiccup..You.. you forgot your friends?" mom asked me worriedly and sigh sadly. I remember them but, do I even know them as friends anymore?


     I shook my head and my mother frowned at me badly. "I know it's hard, you would guess that they hated you since you never reply their messages back." I gulped nervously, I know that I ignore their letters. "I'm to busy to reply, mother." I defence, but she shook her head disapproving. "At least, tell them that you had no time? Or at least give them a small reply, rather than nothing at all." she suggested, see I knew without someone I could make small mistakes into big ones. "I'll find them." I look back to see the leaders of Berk's allies are settling in with my people, so I decided to let them be and search for my old friends.

     I look around the village and found nothing. Oh wait is that? that's the gang! "Hiccup where are you going?" a voice calls behind me. "Merida, please just a couple of minute to find my old friends." I explained but she just pulls my hand like I'm sort of a toy or something. "What about me, does that mean I am not your friend?" 

     "There's a different between old friends and new friends." I exclaims, struggling to escape her grip. For a women, she is certainly a strong one. "Let me go Merida, I'll talk to you later." I said to her again, but angrily. "Fine!" she release her grip and walked away. She clings like there's no tomorrow, she become truly obsessed of me, honestly.

     "Hey guys!" I greet them cheerfully but they didn't wave or greeted back. Is something wrong?

    "Oh hey Hiccup" they all answered together without making an eye contact. "Is there something wrong? Did I do something wrong?" I asked and scratch the back of my neck. "Please tell me what's going on." I pleaded then I hear them sigh. "We have been worried sick about you, we send you messages by terrible terrors but you didn't even bother writing back to us. Mind explaining?" Ruffnut and Tuffnut says together and stand there upset. "You didn't even know what happened to us, especially Astrid when she hears you come home today." Snoutlout adds and crossed his arm. "What did she do?" I asked again. He sighs and explained. "Astrid been waiting your message. She though that you replied her messages. But you didn't. She slowly giving up and do you know her expressions when she heard you get back? she's angry and mad at you. also sad that you might never love her again. Especially with that orange untamed hair girl. Why did you put your hands on her waist anyway? you're not together aren't you?" Snout lout asked getting mad and betrayed too. I never seen him mad like this and I never seen everyone stood up at against me like this. They must be really hurt. What have I done...

     "I..I.. I never dated Astrid. Or.. or did I?" I don't know why I don't recall a thing about me and Astrid going out. It just seems impossible for a guy like me with a girl like her. Maybe it could work, but I don't know honestly. 

     "Now you also cheats on her, how lame." Snoulout launch his knuckles at me and I just groaned pain. It hurts, but I'm starting to think that I deserve it. We dated? "I messed up. I don't remember anything." I shook my head a couple of times. "You sure that's not an excuse?" The twins asked, I easily nod. "How come you don't remember a thing?" Fish leg finally speaks. "I honestly don't know. I have to apologise to her. Do you know where she is? And also Toothless ,I miss him." I begged for answers. 

     "How should I know, and also.. Toothless kinda hates you too. He ran away with Astrid and Stormfly. He had this special connection with Astrid, so they're like almost together too just like you and him. So, she would be fine right now." Snout lout explained. He turns and walked away. Hookfang approached him then he fly away from me and the others. "Come race again when you had the time. I don't want keep seeing Astrid or Snoutlout to win again." Fishleg break the tension, then proceed to left me with the others. They need some space, I'll give it to them.

      I sigh and went looking for Astrid but then, I saw a black tail up on Astrid's roof. I tried to climb and saw the girl that I lifted and the girl that I love so much with my bud, Toothless and her dragon, Stormfly. Astrid please don't be mad at me, but it was pointless knowing that she despise me anyway. 

     "Hey Astrid hi.."I said awkwardly she turns her head to me but quickly look away, so did my dragon. "Astrid.." I begged to talk to her but she cut me off with shush. I sit beside her but she immediately stands up and climb down. "Astrid wait!" I climb down quickly and grabbed her wrist. I tried to explained, she won't believe me or anything I just say. But if I was her, I would do the same. "Didn't you remember about our relationship? You easily move on with that stupid girl, and forgetting me?" she said with betrayal in her voice. "No..no..that's not it." I stop her again. 

     "Then what Hiccup? What could possibly be the reason?" she yelled, venom laced her words. She spits them like fire, attacking me one by one. Slowly but deadly. "I know you're frustrated now, But let me tell you calmly." She started to slow her punches and suddenly stop everything, she just do. 

Edited - 2210 Words

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