He Tries to Prank/Scare You (Allies)

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"You're no fun dudette, but you were scared right?" Alfred asked hopefully.

"No." You blankly replied.

"Oh come on, that was really scary."

"It really wasn't and if you don't mind I would like to go back to bed now." You say as you go back in your room and push Alfred out.

"What if I joined you in bed," Alfred said grinning and wiggling his eyes brows, you give him the glare.

"No." Then you slam the door in his face.

"Oh come on dudette, where am I suppose to sleep? It's way to dark to go home."

"You should have thought of that, shouldn't you? And just sleep on the couch or something." You say as you tuck yourself into bed.

Alfred didn't say a word after that but you could hear him pouting and mumbling to himself as he went to the couch. 



Francis had called you and asked you to come over because he wanted you to try something he had cooked. When you arrived you knocked on the door and when you did you heard a few plates crashing. 

After a few minutes, Francis answered the door and he had his hair very messy and was wearing an apron.

"Bonjour mon cheré how are you?" He asked panting.

"Um fine, so what am I eating today?" You asked as he took you inside.

"You'll just have you wait."

"I swear if you make me eat those snail things I wi-"

"Non non non, of course not." He lied sending you an innocent smile, he pulled out a blindfold from his shirt pocket.

"Here you need to have this on and no asking questions."

"Fine." You sighed and let him put the blindfold on you. After he did you heard him rush to the kitchen and come back in with a plate.

"Now open your mouth mon cheré" You did as told and you felt him put a fork in your mouth with something squishy on it.

You ate the squishy thing and it tasted...well quite odd. 

"'Ow is it?" Francis asked.

"Um... it um..."

"Do you not like it?" Francis asked pretending to sound sad.

"No no no, its just unique?" You said like it was a question. "Can I take the blindfold off now?"


You began to untie your blindfold and when you did you looked at the dish Francis had fead you.

"WHY WOULD YOU FEED ME SNAILS?!" You asked surprised and grossed out.

"It is not snails, it is escargot." He stated while smirking.

"THAT DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAT I JUST ATE SNAILS!" You said and as you did you felt yourself feel sick and ran to the nearest bathroom and puked out the snails you had just consumed. Oh boy was he doing to get it bad.



"Alfred, why do you like to prank people?" Matthew asked his brother curiously.

"Because it's fun for everyone dude!" Exclaimed Alfred.

"But it didn't seem like Arthur thought it was fun when you filled his underpants with mustard..."

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