I watched as Cameron walked out closing the door behind him.

Josey's POV:

I left my kids a lone and went to the garage. I jumped into one of the cars I don't know anything about cars but it was a charcoal black color with the letter BMW on it so.

I got a call about 3 days ago about someone knowing something about Evan. they wanted me to meet them today of course I was iffy about this meeting and I was going to tell Ian but I don't want to get his hopes up and just in case I set the meeting up in a human cafe very public not the safest but not the worst.

I pulled up at Foamy Cafe and waited in my car.

*Beep beep*

My phone vibrated. I opened the text.

"First booth on the left"

I closed the text and got out. I found the booth and there was a tall brooding man, very muscular. Wearing a dark gray fedora with a matching jacket, a pair of blue jeans and a plain black shirt. I took a seat across from him. The man looked at me. He was older probably around my age. He had a few gray strands streaking through his full thick black beard. He has emerald green eyes, and a scar that runs down the side of his left eye, his nose was slightly off center leaning to the right and another scar that lay horizontal across his nose. He watched me carefully.

"What info do you have?" I asked breaking our little staring contest.

"First the money I asked for" The man said his deep voice both intimidating and calm.

"First my info" I said standing my ground.

"My money" he said once more eyes narrowing yet again attempting to intimidate me.

I pulled out the little brown paper wrapped box. His face lit up for a second before he reached out for it but I put it back into my jacket pocket.

"My info" I said more demanding.

The man growled quietly and clenched his jaw he knew I wasn't going to break and he didn't look to happy about that.

"They're doing experiments on her"

"what kind?"

"I don't know any details but they say if it's successful your pack won't stand a chance against them they want to use her powers against you"

"Anything else like her whereabouts?"

"All I know is they're keeping her in a lab well away from the boarders of your land in another Alpha's territory I'm unsure of which Alpha exactly but it's along the west side of your territory I believe and their allies want your pack gone someone is betraying you."

"How do we find them?"

"Don't know"

"Thank you for your information though not really worth the amount of money you asked for."

The man growled "my money"

I stared at him my eyes narrowing. "You're info isn't super helpful but I'll pay you what we agreed on if you bring us any more information you find"

"deal" was all the man said before taking the money and leaving"

I guess at least now we know why they wanted Evan in the first place. I guess I'll bring this info back to Ian. I got up and made my way back home.

When I got home I saw Ian, Emily, and Aiden all snuggling on the couch watching a movie I didn't see Cameron though.

"Where's Cameron?" I asked causing all of them to turn around.

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