↳ twenty-nine↴

Start from the beginning

"Don't you ever," I heave before swinging my dagger and cutting her cheek and her shoulder, "Don't you ever fucking talk about my family again."

I slice her shoulder this time and she stares at me wickedly, resembling the lunatic I killed a few minutes ago, "If I knew you were this sick, Maria, I wouldn't have helped you kill Chico, not because he held you by a chain, but he kept you sane."

"He and his family are the ones who made me insane, sweetheart," She retorted, "I'm Frankenstein's monster."

"Yeah, you got the looks for it," I remark, eyeing her costume makeup, and she growled.

"Mud people in my house!" A sudden shriek startled us both before a woman rushed past me and into Maria all the way to the other side of the room. She yelped in pain as the woman screamed in her face. I stepped back slowly and silently.

Maria was going to leave me to die in the hands of someone else. She was trying to kill me, why can't I do the same?

"Brynn!" I hear Saya and I turn as she rushed up to me. When she got close she looked across the room and seen Maria with a pitchfork jammed in her shoulder and another woman in front of her, "Holy shit!"

"You seen anybody else?" I asked and she shook her head eyeing me.

"She found out?" She asked and I give her a look, "I'm gonna go help her, you go find everyone else so we can get the hell out of here."

I nod and rush off, but my body feels like it's dragging itself through the floorboards. I want to collapse. I want to fall on the cold, dirty floor and stay there until my muscle go stiff and my pulse weakens.

I'm already over this shit.

I go downstairs only to bump into Billy and Petra, "Have you guys seen Lex? Or Marcus?"

I asked and they shook their heads, but Billy glanced back at the kitchen, "I'm assuming their in the kitchen where the nonstop shooting is going on."

I follow his eyes and listen to the endless reign of gunshots fired, making me swallow the lump in my throat. Guns were never my strong suit or my favorite choice of weapons.

"I'll meet you guys later," I huff, "Glad to know you're not dead." I walk off before any other words were shared to creep outside of the kitchen. I peak inside and see Lex poke his head out from behind the fridge to shoot at our enemies, "Lex!"

He ducks behind the fridge as the enemy starts to shoot at him before I hide behind the wall. When it becomes quiet, I yell his name again, "Lex!"

"Brynn?" He called back out as he shoots again, "What the bloody hell are you doing?" I peak back in, but my eyes lock on the hillbilly with his gun pointed in my direction, which made my quickly hide again before he started shooting in my direction.

All the bullets ricocheted off the door frame and I wince at each shot before I heard a loud thump and a loud tumble down the stairs. My heart felt like it was going to stop at the sound before I suddenly jolt off the wall and stumbled to the ground. I let out a shout at the suddenly pain I felt and quickly place my hand on my wound, but when I try and configure what was going on, I pull my hand away to see blood coating my palm.

"Brynn?" I hear Lex call me, but I'm too far in my thoughts. It's a graze. I'm fine. It's a scratch. It has to be, I thought to myself before I notice silence fill the kitchen. I grunt as I try to stand back up, but I couldn't. My legs felt seven feet deep in the ground, "Brynn, are you alright?"

"Yeah," I seethed, now hearing him scrabble for something on the floor.

The hillbilly chuckled darkly, "You're out of ammo, you piece of shit!" I hear his big feet stomp across the floorboards before I hear Lex grunt and yell in a struggle, which made me force myself up.

I clench my jaw in pain as I stand up and go into the kitchen, seeing the hillbilly on top of Lex, about to drive his knife into Lex's chest. I grimace as I push through my pain and hurry over to them only to dig my dagger inches deep into the hillbilly's back.

He gasped for air and when I pulled out my dagger, his body felt to the side of Lex before Petra and Billy ran in, "Holy shit." Billy comments at the sight of the kitchen, which had a lot of blood and brain matter all over. I shivered at the sight, too many bad memories coming back. I bit the inside of my cheek and held out my hand to Lex, which he doesn't hesitate to grab before pulling me into a tight embrace when he stands.

He sighed in my hair, "Thank you." I nod a bit and wince when his hug get tighter, but he broke away when he felt my body tense only to eye me, "Did you get shot?"

"It's only a graze," I assure and displayed my hand of dried up blood, "I'll be fine."

"Let's take you back to the truck," Billy stated and Lex agreed.

He put my arm over his neck to keep me up as we began to walk out, but I stop in my tracks, which made him look at me, "What's wrong, Brynn?"

"Where's Marcus?"

He bowed his head slightly, "That wanker sent him down into the basement."

"Why would Marcus do that?" Petra asked, "Doesn't he know it's a trap?"

"He does and he's a bloody idiot for it," Lex claimed and remove myself off Lex, which made him groan, "Brynn, don't."

"What?" I asked and he gave me a look.

"I know what you're going to do and it's a stupid idea," He told me, "You're already hurt and that bastard down there is ruthless. He fucks animals for Gods sake! You going into that rabbit hole is a dumb idea and-" He paused for a moment to eye me, letting out a huff, "And I can't convince you otherwise."

I give him a weak smirk, "You know me so well."

"At least have one of us come with you," Lex tried to persuade, "You don't know how many of his psychotic family is still running about-"

"No, I don't want you in anymore danger than necessary." I assured him, "I'm just going to get Marcus and we'll be out of there."


"I need you to get Saya and Maria, stay in the van and don't come out until we come out with Chico's head, okay?" I ordered, but watch him grit his teeth, so I sighed, "Lex, please."

He locked his eyes on me and noticed my concern, so he cane close to me, "I want you to know I'm not mad at you for what you did. I know you like him and I'm cool with that now. You saved me and if you want to go save him, I won't stop you."

I give a small smile, "Thank you." I kiss his cheek softly and part from him slowly before brushing past and going down toward the basement. Chills ran up my spine and my body began to grow numb as walked down the pitch black stairs and into the basement that had cages stacked up like books.

I'm starting to regret all of this. Even though I don't have much to live for and I lost everyone in my life, I hate putting myself on the line as if I don't care about my life. Though, I know that help and you do things for the ones you love.

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