19 - The Jeon Hotel

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The Hotel was amazing.

Ceilings covered in mirrors and flowers. Walls with organic shapes and plants, going along with the black and white interiors. Calm music played throughout the corridors, as they followed the marble stairs down. Eventually reaching the backyard, if you could call it that. With tall white walls, mirrors and fountains, along giant palm trees.

It looked like Siddharta Gautama child home, or some vacation house for god, Jimin thought to himself as they followed the bridge over the water into a pool area. With large white stones built like ice bergs, for children to play on.

However the longer they snooped around, the more retouching they discovered needed to be done.

On top of a iceberg, there was a small garden. But there was mud everywhere and the plants looked overgrown with weeds. Further down, they opened a door to a training room which apparently hadn't been used in forever.
Annah filmed as Jungkook jumped on to the treadmill and started it. It made loud noises and nearly made him slip as it ran irregularly.

Nothing was in order and it was honestly dangerous. Annah filmed and they commented.

After some time, they discovered a passage that lead into a new part. However, it was completely empty and the paint was peeling off the walls. There was ants everywhere. It was obvious that they were in the middle of renewing it, but abandoned the job halfway.

There was no one there, even though the place was huge. We're talking 10 floor high with billiard room, a movie and a spa. Everything looked like it could fall apart at any second.

They'd walked for nearly two hours when Sajim finally lead them to a hotel room. A strange and tense ambience had set around them. As they looked around.

The room was all white with a badly printed Botticelli paintings hung above a round glass table.
Jimin carefully moved it, only to find a giant hole in the wall, along something sticky looking he definitely didn't want to smell.

Everyone looked at each other and scrunched their noses, trying not to laugh. As that seemed to be the only way not to get pissed about the state of the place.

"Jimin, do you want to be interviewed too?" Annah asked as they were getting ready.

Jimin shook his head no "I think I rather not." he smiled and Jungkook gave him a nod of approvement.

Taking a seat on the kitchen chair he watched as they started. Sajim asking the questions and Jungkook answering.

"Now that you've seen the hotel. what are your thoughts?" He started off.

Jungkook looked good, although obviously distressed as he sighted, thinking for a moment. "It's bad. it's really bad. At first glance, it looks amazing. Fountains, mirrors and flowers everywhere and it smells like Jasmin.." he breathes, "however, it doesn't work. Everything is falling apart and it's obvious that they haven't put the money needed into renovating or looking after the place."

"Do you think you could say something about what your father said in the meeting this morning?"

Jungkook rubbed the back of his hair, "I mean..." he hesitated, "I don't know much more than; that the administrational leader hasn't been keeping track of the economy very well. Or the economy set for the place isn't up to standard. Which caused them to be unable to pay the workers properly."

Sajim nods in understanding, however he wore a grave facial feature. "What do you know about the demonstrations?"

"The demonstrations?" Jungkook asked, glancing over at Jimin, who didn't know either.

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