The Beach in Tahiti.

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"What's wrong with Damon?"

I stopped packing and looed up at Stefan, "What do you mean?"

"He ran out of the house like it was on fire."

"That's probably because another house was on fire." I mumbled.

"Elena, what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything. I saved a life. I did do that."

"Whose? Erika's?"

"The girl was seconds from burning. If she hadn't call me, she would've died."

"So what? You saved her and then set her house on fire?"

"What better excuse to get the hell out of dodge."

Stefan looked disappointed; I was irate. "So, he just ran right on over there, huh?"

"Elena, and decent human being would've gone over there."

"You didn't go. You're more of a "decent human being" than Damon."

"I don't even know the girl."

I throw the bag on the floor, "That's—that's it. I'm not going."

"You're not going?"

"On the trip, not going."

"Elena—come on. Don't let this ruin this trip. It's really important to me that we ALL go."

"Fine." I picked up the bag and put it back on the bed. "I want a separate room then. And nothing to do with Damon." I grabbed the rest my bags and went downstairs.

After dropping Lex off with Alaric, we all boarded a plane to Tahiti. I sat between Care and Bonnie, while the rest of the guys sat across.



"There's a guy about three rows ahead of us, hot as hell." Caroline was practically drooling.

"Was Enzo still meeting us there?"

"He said so. He'll have to catch a later flight."

"Caroline, stop staring at that guy."

"Why? I'm not married yet."

Bonnie and I smirked at one another.

"Wait, I—I didn't mean it like that. I'm not marrying Klaus."


"I'm not!"

I must have fallen asleep through the rest of the plane ride because when I woke up I was in a hotel room.

"You're up!" Care walked out of the bathroom in a bathing suit.

"Umm, yeah. How long was I asleep?"

"Eight hours."

"Eight hours?!?"

"Have you been sleeping well?"

"I guess not."

"I brewed you some coffee and there's some blood bags in the fridge. Join us at the beach when you're ready."

"Thank you."

She smiled at me warmly before leaving.

I sat up, groggy as hell, and fixed me a cup of coffee. I poured half a bag of blood and downed one cup then did the same to the second. When I was finally feeling up for it, I slipped on my bathing suit and went downstairs.

Stefan, Jeremy, Damon, and Matt were playing football, while Care and Bonnie laid in lounge chairs. For a nice sunny day, the beach was pretty empty. I sat in the empty chair beside Bonnie.

"Look who arose from the dead."

"Please, don't ever let me sleep that late again. I feel like hell."

And I personally know how that feels.

"You seemed so peaceful; we didn't want to wake you."

I pulled my sunglasses down and slouched.

"Oh my God!" Care yelled a little too loud.

I covered my ears dramatically as if it bothered me.

"What?! And why must you yell?!"

"The guy from the plane, he's over there!" She shrieked.

With a good few of the guy I sat up and pulled off my sunglasses.

You've got to be kidding me...

"He's walking over here."


They eyed me.

"Do you know him?"


"Ladies. Elena. What a coincidence."

I scowled at him intensely.

"Elena. Introduce us." Care barked.

"This is...


I rolled my eyes, "Sure. Lucas these are my friends Bonnie and Caroline."

"Awe yes, you talk about them often."

Caroline stood unnecessarily and shook his hand, "It's very nice to meet you."

"So, how do you know our Elena?"

This ought to be good.

"I used to work with her at the hospital."

Got to do better than that.

"Really? I've never seen you and I doubt you go unnoticed."

The look of disgust on the face of Bonnie and I was real.

"I didn't stay long. I worked there briefly during college and transferred to a different school shortly after."

I shrugged. That was a decent lie, I guess.

"Elena really helped me. She knew a lot more than I did. We became fast friends."

"I bet." Bonnie elbowed Caroline hard and she winced.

"Where did you guys get those cocktails?"

"The bar."

"This early."

"You act like it's morning."

"It's not night."

"You're going to go get one though."

I smiled, "You're right."

"I'll join you." "Lucas" said as I stood.

I rolled my eyes again as he followed me to the bar.

"What do you want?" I ask when we were far enough away.

"I heard you were going on vacation, I had to join."

"You're not wanted here."

"Well neither is your husband, but he's here."


"Then, like him, keep your distance for me. I didn't even want to go on this stupid trip."

"Awe." He pouted. "You're not having any fun?"

"Not really." I grabbed the drink I ordered and practically swallowed it all in one gulp."

"Do you want to?"

I looked him up and down and ordered another drink.

The Delena Dilemma: A Vampire Diaries Fanfic *Completed*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang