Let's Take a Trip to Hell.

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We gathered any kind of evidence we could find from the house and went back to our own. When we went home Davina... and all the Mickaelson's were waiting for us there. Everyone looked surprised except for me. I knew Davina would come when I needed her, but I had no idea she be bringing the family. The one she's going to marry in to. Her and Kol got engaged shortly after I gave birth.

Davina followed my gaze, "They, they invited themselves."

"Who invited you?" Bonnie snapped.

"Elena, of course." She held her arms open for me and I embraced them.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"Elena a word please?" I scowled as I followed the rest of the girls into the kitchen. "Honestly Elena did you think involving them will help find Lex?"

"Davina's done a lot for me since I've been resurrected including helping deliver my baby so yeah, I do."

"I just wish you would've asked us." Caroline sighed.

My glare at her couldn't have been colder, "And why the hell would I have to ask you? You're the one that lost her in the first place."

Eye contact was avoided when I walked back in. No doubt they were listening.

"Damn Gilbert. I didn't know you had that in you. I love it!"

I couldn't stop my smirk.

I dug my finger in my ear trying to get rid of Katherine's squeals.

"So, what should we do next?"

"I'm already doing it." Davina smiled.

"We like her."

Yes, we do.

"Tracking Lex is the harder approach. She's obviously being blocked by someone powerful, but they wouldn't think of blocking the Salvatore mother. I'm using some of Damon's hair to track her."

Damon rubbed his head, "Why couldn't you use Stefan's?"

I elbowed him, hard. "Because it's not Stefan's daughter Damon. It's yours!"

That upset me more then I expected. He noticed.

"Of course, of course, I was joking Elena."

He was not.

He fed me an apologetic look, but I wasn't buying it.

She used a necklace to an atlas while chanting a spell and holding Damon's hair. When she finished, the necklace dropped to the floor and clung there. Davina tried to grab it, but it wouldn't budge. It was then she stiffened.

"Davina? What does this mean?" I asked like an impatient child.

"It means this was a waste of time." Bonnie argued, but the frightened look on Davina's face said otherwise.

"Oh my God..."


"It can't be?" Davina mumbled.

"I mean it's not entirely impossible."

What the hell? It's like you two are having a conversation with each other! What the hell does this mean?!?

"I—I may not be certain, but I think—

"She's in hell Elena."

"SHE'S IN HELL?!?" I yelled.

Everyone looked at me and started arguing all together.

I felt myself getting dizzy and knew what was happening immediately.

The Delena Dilemma: A Vampire Diaries Fanfic *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now