Honeymoon From Hell. *New Season*

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Damon jumps as he turns around and smiles at me.

"What are you think about so deeply over there?"

He looks at me nervously and turns back around. I wrap my arms around him and we stare at the rising sun together.


"The kid. I'm thinking about the kid."

"Lex is fine. We've only been gone for two days."

"But were not going to be back for a week and you know Caroline, she has her own kids to worry about. I just think it would've been best to leave them with Bonnie or dare I say Stefan."

"You know why we chose Care. She has the most experience with kids. Plus, she has Alaric to help take care of the twins. I'm sure Lex is getting plenty attention." I turn him around to face me. "But you know who's not getting any attention on her honeymoon?" I point to myself and he smiles. "So, what do you say we start enjoying our much deserved time alone." I pull him into a kiss as his hands slowly trial down to my ass. I throw him on to the bed with a bit of force and it actually surprised him... and aroused him. Our clothes flew left and right and limbs intertwined. This was the first time we've had since I found out I was pregnant. It was a long deserved release.

After about four go's, we were actually tired.

"Wow, didn't realize motherhood made you more aggressive."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you bite me several times. At one point, I even think you drunk my blood."

I laughed, "Big deal. We've shared blood before."

"Not during sex. In fact, I don't think I've ever done that with anyone except—

He pauses when he notices me glaring at him.

"I'm—umm—I'm going to go take a shower. Do you want to join—no? Okay." He scampers to the bathroom and I start to get dress.

"You do realize he was referring to me just now, right?"

I snap up and looked at the full length mirror in my room. Katherine sat on the edge of the bed smiling at me.

"Just so you know, I still think I'm losing my mind. That this is some form of postpartum."

"Well it's not. I've always been here. In the back of your head. Ever since I died and you were reborn. You have no idea what it's like to be a figment in someone else's mind. And they can't even hear you."

"I guess the spell I did is wearing off."

"The spell you used to silence me? That wasn't very nice Elena."

"Good thing I brought this." I pulled the spell book out from under the bed and it wiped the smile right off her face. "I may have to ask Davina to help me with a more powerful and permanent one, but for now— I opened the book and started flipping through the pages.


I stop and look at her through the mirror.

"Let's talk about this."

"You're not going to charm your way out of this Katherine. My  last name may be Salvatore now, but I am not Damon. And I am not Stefan. You've caused enough turmoil in my life and I want you gone. Now."

"I'm sorry Elena! Okay? Is that what you want from me? An apology?!?"

"Why? It wouldn't be sincere. You don't have a sincere bone in your body."

The Delena Dilemma: A Vampire Diaries Fanfic *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now