Cold Eyes, Broken Heart.

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She must be scared of me, she has to be. Why else would she have backed off?

It's been a month since my confrontation with the whore who tried to sleep with my husband. And since that happened, Damon has been home every night. Now, I just have one other problem to resolve.

I sat in the waiting room of the hospital waiting for my test results. I managed to pluck a few hairs from Damon's head while he was sleeping last night. Enough to do the trick. I had been waiting for at least three hours now, and it's quite endless. Eventually a nurse did call me to the back.

"Good news." She smiled warmly at me and handed me the results. I opened the folder and smiled myself. I knew there was no doubt Damon was the father, I can't believe I let that little Devil put that doubt in my head.

"Thank you Jane, I appreciate the quickie test."

"Of course Elena. Anything for you."

I covered for Jane a lot when I use to work here. She loves me.

I tore the results up and threw them away.

"Damon? Stefan? Is anyone—

I stop and marvel at the audience I have in my living room. Well, audience of three. Stefan and Damon were having a cup of tea with the bitch named Erika.

"Umm Elena, this is—

"I know who the hell she is, why the hell is she in my house?" I asked not taking my eyes off her.

Erika smartly avoided mine.

"You know who..." Damon's face fell. He's probably thinking, "If she knows who she is, she probably know what we did." And he would be correct.

"How—how do you—you know—

"WHY is she here?" I asked again with a bit of base.

"Her ex-boyfriend. I thought I got rid of him, but he's back and he's threatening her."

My face was bland, "Not your problem, and its not Stefan's problem."


"Don't you think you've done enough to HELP her? Hell, you turned her, got her from her abusive boyfriend what else can you do?!"

Stefan looked surprised, "Wait, you turned her? Why didn't you mention that?"

"She was dying, I didn't think I just did it. What was I supposed to do?"

I shrugged, "Let her die?"

They all looked at me.

"What? Not everyone wants to be a vampire."

"Everyone's not like you." Damon said, voice shaking.

"Where's my child?"

"Upstairs. Sleeping."

"I'm going to go up there, and check on her. When I come back down here, I want her gone." I turned on my heels and walked upstairs.

It didn't take Damon long to come upstairs after me. I stood at the window as he came in, my back to him.



"Can we talk?"

I slowly turned around to face him, face fully scowled. I looked at Lex and mumbled something in Latin.

"What was that?"

"A spell. So she can't hear us."

"I don't know what Erika told you or how yo two even met but—

"Erika didn't tell me anything. I saw it happen. Her kissing you, you kissing her back, the two of you falling on to her bed."

"And me stopping it. We didn't have sex."

I laugh, "You stopped yourself from having sex with her, good for you. You still cheated on me Damon."

"How long have you known about this and didn't say anything?"

"Not as long as you having done it and not saying anything to me."

"I didn't lead her to think there was anything between us. She knew about you, she knew I was married, she knew I had a family. She still did what she did."

I nod, "You're right, because you let her!"

We both fell silent.

"I shouldn't have let it get that far, I'm sorry."

"Why did you? Let it get that far."

"I—I don't know."

"Do you have feelings for her?"

I expected a quick answer, when I didn't get one my heart broke.

"Get out." I mumbled as tears fell down my face.


"GET OUT!" I screamed.

Something in me awakened and he went flying out the room, the door slamming shut on its own.

I didn't even move a muscle.

"Ready to talk now?"

I could feel his presence in the room with me without even seeing his face.

I closed my eyes and took uneven deep breaths. When I opened them again, they were cold and angry.

"Why the hell not?"

The Delena Dilemma: A Vampire Diaries Fanfic *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now