Vivid Visions.

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The voices around me faded away.

Four unmarked black vehicles rode in two Mystic Falls. New voices emerged...

"We have to save him!"

"There is no way to save him! when that older Salvatore forced his vampire blood down the mouth of our Leader and then killed him, he sealed his fate. The only way for him to survive is if he finishes the transition. Become something he truly hates. He'll never do it. It's against everything we stand for."

"I don't give a damn what you stand for! This is my father Felix! He's all I have and I will not lose him to vampires like I lost my mother."

The girl paused...

"What about the witch?!? Doesn't she have the cure in her veins? We drain her, get the cure, then dad can drink it."

"It's not that simple Cecilia. Your father has to complete the transition to be cured—

"I'll do it." A weakened voice mumbled.

"Just make sure you get the girl, or you're the new leader Felix."

"Here dad, you can drink my—

"No!" He yells followed by harsh coughing.

"Get the girl first... then I'll complete the transition. Only then..." He trails off.

I gasped for air as everyone who hovered over me backed away.

"What happened?" Damon asked helping me up.

I breathed heavily like I had just ran five miles. "They're—they're coming for my blood."

Damon clenched his teeth together, "They can try."

Bonnie shook her head, "I thought they wanted to kill you, why are they specifically coming for your blood now?"

I looked over to Damon, "Oh you were alone when this happened?"

He looked over at Stefan, Stefan looked to me. "I tried to talk him out of it, but you can't talk Damon out of things."

I smiled to myself.

I can...

"What happened?" Asked Matt.

"When everyone was heading towards the exit, Stefan and I made a little stop first. To see the "Leader" of this supernatural hunting group. We took out the men who were with him and then we turned him."

"We?!?" Stefan said baffled.

"Fine, I turned him."

He glared at Stefan, "Always the hero."

Bonnie's mouth dropped, "You turned him?!? Why?"

"Because he took Elena, and I don't take to kindly to that."

"Well that's just great because now, they don't want to just kill her."

"Exactly, she has to be alive. Which, means they won't kill her instantly."

Enzo nods, "That's actually pretty genius."

I scoffed, "Did this brilliant thought come to your head before you killed him or during this discussion?"

The Delena Dilemma: A Vampire Diaries Fanfic *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now