Eighteen - Chaotic

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Like any other usual days, I was working in the hospital, assisting doctors and helping patients and etcetera. Somehow, I was seen as a celebrity in the hospital as well, and Namjoon would never fail to remind me that everytime he catches me remaining calm at someone fangirling or fanboying at me.

Since my shift ended early today, and Seokjin was still in another state handling his fanmeetings, I had no choice but to take the public transport to return home. Normally, it would either be Seokjin himself or his manager picking me up, and occasionally Namjoon, but these three were busy now, so I decided to head back home myself.

I was beyond exhausted from handling kids poop and nonstop cries, but I couldn't helped but to wonder what it would be like to be a parent as well. But I knew this thought was ridiculous, both Seokjin and I were busy people, and it would be unwise to build a family now.

Besides, it was decided that our wedding would be held next year as it was the only day we could both be free. I still had a few more months to prepare for the big day, but the thought of marrying my best friend gave me shudders yet it had made me giggle like a schoolgirl.

Okay, I was going crazy from all these thoughts. After a shower, I sighed in dismay at the empty fridge in our kitchen, and grabbed my car keys before heading towards the nearby grocery store.

Oh, just in case you're wondering. I don't drive to work cause it's a nuisance to find a parking spot. Besides, save the Earth, right?

I was pushing the trolley cart in the cereal aisle when I heard a cry, and following the cry, I gasped at a small child sitting on the floor while bawling nonstop. Abadoning my cart, I immediately made way towards the little boy, and crouched down to his level, making sure that I was keeping a comfortable distance with him.

"Hey there, where is your mother?" I asked gently, and the little boy glanced at me with reddened eyes.

"I-I lost her. I got lost." He replied, and giving him an encouraging smile, I picked him up from the ground and carried him in my arms. "Eomma says not to talk to strangers."

Chuckling at how adorable this kid was, I nudged his tiny nose. "What a smart boy! But I'm not a bad guy, so I'll help you find your mother okay?"


Putting him in the trolley cart, I quickly found my way towards the reception and saw a woman who looked slightly older than me pacing around as who I assumed was her husband spoke to the receptionist with a calm demeanor. The little boy's eyes lit up at the sight of them both, and he immediately tried to scramble out of the seat.

"Appa! Eomma!" He cried out, and hearing his voice, his parents instantly whirled their heads and wasted no time to rush towards us.

"Baby!" The woman cried as she carried him from the trolley cart with the man approaching me.

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