Three - Basketball

Start from the beginning

As soon as the last bell rung, Seokjin was quick on his feet to shuffle his way to my desk with his bag behind his back. I eyed him warily as he watched me keep my writing utensils into the pencil case before shoving it into my bag.

Then, to my utmost flummox, his hand enveloped around mine, and with a cheeky grin, he pulled me with him leading in front, both of us rushing out of the hallway and the campus. My cheeks unknowingly flushed as I stared at our hands which were held together, with his strong grip holding securely onto my loose one.

"Why are you holding my hand?" I questioned after a while, when we were near the arcade.

Seokjin simply looked down at me with an 'are you stupid' look. "You're just too slow."

"But still-"

"Just follow me, idiot." He cut me off rudely, and I glared at his back, nevertheless still letting him to guide me through the crowd before reaching the arcade.

"Why are we here again?" I mumbled to him, our footsteps entering the place where teenagers from other schools were also gathered here.

He did not reply me, but kept walking until we reached the basketball machine. My eyes lit up in excitement and curiosity at the sight of my favourite arcade game.

"There's one thing that I know that you're better than me." Seokjin started, his head tilting with a lopsided grin.

"Basketball." We said in unison, and I started squealing when he came back with a dozen of tokens in his hands.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I quirked an eyebrow at him, unable to believe that Seokjin was acting civilized with me.

As he inserted two tokens each into the machines, he spoke. "I don't like you being down just because I'm better at you in studies. You're pretty good at other aspects too, it's just that you can't see it with your own eyes."

The buzzer went off as the overly-used basketballs rolled down towards us, our hands grabbing onto a ball each before throwing the said object towards the basket. My mind was fuzzy with Seokjin's words as I played without thinking much, and he seemed to had noticed me zoning out as the balls I had thrown weren't going into the loop.

"Yah, I'll treat you ice-cream if you beat me in this game." Seokjin said suddenly, and that was enough to get my competitive spirit back up.

Smirking, I nodded. "Okay!"

By the time we finished the tokens, we were both exhausted and sweaty from laughing and 'exercising' too much from the game. Of course, I had won, and even though I was extremely delighted with the result, hidden inside the deepest part of my consciousness, I kinda knew that Seokjin had let me win on purpose just to make me smile again.

Why was he doing that, I did not know.

The sky was a beautiful mixture of fuschia and yellow when we exited the ice-cream parlour. I was a giddy kid again, partly because of the owner giving me extra sprinkles free of charge.

"I'm glad that you're smiling again." Seokjin stated as he licked his ice-cream, his eyes trained on my shorter form with sincerity swimming in his dark brown eyes.

"Whatever it was, thank you." I nodded slightly at him before taking a bite from my ice-cream.

"Anything for you, idiot." He grinned, and it flustered me so much that I had to speed up my pace to avoid him from witnessing my burning cheeks.

"You're the real idiot here please." I replied him playfully, and the corners of my lips twitched upwards at his unmistakable signature laughter.

"There you are, the Ahn Yoora who would quarrel and fight with me every single day." Seokjin caught me off guard by locking his unoccupied arm around my neck, pulling me towards his side.

"What are you doing?!" I tried to push him off but to no avail.

"You're so short." He laughed before releasing me, and maybe my eyes were tricking me, but I saw the slightest hint of blush on his cheeks and ears.

What is this?

My mum was crouching in front of my house when we reached our houses after climbing the long flight of stairs. She turned her head to look at us, and I chuckled at the pots of cacti placed messily on the ground in front of her.

"What a surprise for you two to be coming home together without biting each other's head off." My mum said in amusement, causing me to facepalm as Seokjin faked a cough.

"Hello aunty." Seokjin greeted with a bow, and turned to me before giving me a flick on the forehead when my mum was distracted by her latest collection of succulents again.

"Yah!" I yelled at him, my hands rubbing the sore spot.

"Byebye!" He hastily blurted out before escaping into his house, his annoying laughter cackling from the other side of the metal gate.

"What an idiot." I huffed out, and narrowed my eyes at my mum who was giving me a knowing look. "Don't you dare say that sentence, eomma."

"Oh, you already know what I'm going to say?" My mum feigned innocence, and started laughing hysterically at my irritated expression.

Both our mums had always loved to ship both Seokjin and I together, but we both knew that that was never going to happen. Never in a million years, never ever.


I've decided to update this book everyday cause I'm lazy to wait

And I'm sleepy (as usual)

And I'm sleepy (as usual)

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