"We aren't even that close to be sharing the same lunchbox you imbecile!" I screamed at him when he snatched my lunchbox swiftly and held it up in the air, knowing perfectly that I wasn't tall enough to take it back. "Give it back!"

Seokjin smiled. "Nope."

Putting his hand on my head, he restricted me from jumping to get my food back as he forced us both to enter the cafeteria. My face was flushed from pure anger and embarrassment as he was obviously using his towering height to bully me, but food was more important right now.

I had to think of a way, must!

Just then, a fantastically evil idea popped up in my mind.

Seokjin seemed to had noticed my change of actions, as one of his thick eyebrows had quirked up while his eyes narrowed at me with his thick lips pursed into a thin thin line. His gaze was so intense, that it had gotten me excited cause I knew the exact way to blackmail this idiot.

"What are you-"

I cut him off rudely. "I'll tell Hyunjin oppa about your stupid little crush on his girlfriend back then if you don't return back my lunchbox this instant."

And that, ladies and gentleman, made him freeze like an ice sculpture as he registered my words. I took advantage of his shook state and quickly snatched my lunchbox back before opening it hastily and started to gobble down the kimbap without caring about my image in the public.

Truth to be told, my mum had purposely prepared more than enough of kimbaps for us both to share, but like what I had said- I hated sharing.

And I would never, ever, share my food with Kim Seokjin.

I was now seated on the stairs to finish my lunch, and I could only pray that Seokjin wouldn't find me anytime soon.

"Ahn Yoora, you're so dead!" The voice that belonged to none other than my arch nemesis boomed through the hallway as I lifted my head to watch him storm his way towards me, his eyes burning with fury and desire to win.

Smirking, I closed the lid and stood up just as he stopped right in front of me, his cheeks and ears tinted pink, implying that he was in distress and really annoyed.

"What did I do?" I asked innocently, my eyelashes batting to tick him off even further.

That moron didn't even bother to reply as he had stepped behind me before I could even realize what was going on, and when I did, he was already putting me in a headlock position, his arms locked around my neck, making me cough and gasp for air. From my peripheral vision, I could make out fellow students throwing me pitiful glances but they were smart enough to not butt their heads into our own matter.

"Let me go!" I muttered weakly as I smacked his arm blindly, and took in a deep breath when he finally released me.

"Don't you dare use that threat on me anymore, Ahn Yoora." Seokjin glared at me as he spoke, and I of course returned him a glare as I rubbed my neck sheepishly.

"And what if I do?" I challenged back.

At this, Seokjin smirked. Leaning towards me, he made sure to stop his lips next to my ear before speaking.

"I'll tell the whole school that you still wear ugly underwears secretly." He whispered, and snickered when he saw me tensed up. "And I also know where you keep them, you know. Second drawer of your cupboard."

What's wrong with wearing ugly underwears?!

"Tell the world, as if I care." I retorted before smirking at him. "I'll just tell the entire school that you are still wearing your Super Mario boxers since thirteen. And oh, they're kept nicely in the uppermost drawer of your cupboard."

"You're witch, Yoora." He flicked my forehead with his index finger strongly, causing me to yelp as I lost my balance on the staircase and fell backwards.

"Ow!" I whined as my butt hit the ground, and Seokjin had the audacity to be laughing at me, his cackles echoing in the hallway.

Not wanting to lose, I instantly stood up before wrapping my fingers around his wrist and yanked him downwards, making him fall as he let out the most girly scream I had ever heard. I started laughing as he face-planted the ground, but when I saw him not moving a single muscle, panic took over me.

It was only two steps of stairs for goodness sake!

"Yah!" I cried in fear as I crouched down next to him, perspiration forming on my forehead as my trembling hand poked his cheek.

Students were now surrounding us, forming a semi-circle around us as they watched and discussed about what was going on. I could only hope for the teachers to not be around or I would be punished for good.

"Yah Kim Seokjin! Wake up you idiot! Are you seriously that weak to faint just like that?" I slapped his cheek lightly, tears welling in my eyes, and shrieked when he suddenly opened his eyes to look at me with a familiar grin plastered on his face.

"Gotcha, idiot." He laughed wholeheartedly as he pushed himself up from the ground and sat down with his legs crossed in front of me.

He was still smiling, his puffy cheeks on display with his eyes morphed into two crescents. I was still too dumbfounded to react as I watched him stand back up with an absent-minded mind.

"You. Lost." He announced happily, and bowed dramatically to the crowd who were cheering on what- I didn't know, but there was one thing that I knew for sure.

I was furious.

Seokjin knew that I was pissed off, and was probably expecting me to lash out on him or something, but I did the exact opposite.

I ran off.


Do they really hate each other?

Do they really hate each other?

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