He finally looked up at me and smiled cheekily. "Can I?"

I rolled me eyes. "Oh, so when it's about food you forget the TV."

He chuckled as I walked away to the kitchen. "Love you, Nina!" He said loudly.

I heard Jake groan and I turned just in time to see a pillow hit Kaleb's head. "Shut up, Kaleb." Jake groaned.

Kaleb chuckled. "Well, someone's cranky."

"I will call fucking security if you don't shut your damn mouth." Jake grumbled covering his eyes with his arm.

Kaleb and I chuckled at Jake's grumpy mood.

I turned back to the fridge and looked for stuff to cook. Hmm, I guess pasta and mashed potatoes will do it.

"I'm retreating to the kitchen to seek refuge." Kaleb said making me chuckle.

He came to the kitchen and plopped down on the stool smiling innocently at me.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "What did you do?"

"What? I didn't do anything!" he said acting innocent.

I rolled my eyes. "Sure you didn't, but you and I both know you did something to annoy Jake. Here, make yourself useful." I said throwing him a potato.

He caught it and was about to say something when I looked at him crossing my arms and raising an eye brow. I could tell from his facial expression that he was about to refuse to follow my order.

He raised his hands up in surrender and stood up from the stool. "Alright, alright. What are we making?"

"You're making mashed potatoes and I'm making Carbonara." I said placing the pasta into the hot water.

"Ooh, yum." he said as he started peeling the potatoes.

An hour later and we were done cooking. Who knew Kaleb could cook?

We placed the food on the island and I was about to start arranging the plates when someone made me turn around.

"What smells good?" Jake said rubbing his eye smiling at us. He looked so cute with his bed head and his sleepy eyes.

I smiled and walked to him. "Hey, babe. How are you feeling?"

He wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed my cheek. "I'm feeling alright."

"You sure?" I said placing my hand on his forehead feeling his temperature. "Well, you're fever's almost gone."

He grabbed my hand that was on his forehead and kissed it. "Thanks to you."

I smiled up at him. I was about to say something when Kaleb spoke up.

He groaned. "Please don't make me lose my appetite."

I chuckled and turned around, Jake wrapping his arms around me as we walked, or more like wobbled to the island.

"Aww, you set the plates and took out the juice. Good boy, Kaleb."

"What am I, a dog?" He said sitting down.

"Yup." I said smiling cheekily at him as Jake and I sat down.

He glared at me. "Oh shut up. Come on, I wanna eat." He said getting the pasta and placing a whole lot on his plate.

"Wow, leave some for us will you." Jake said making me chuckle as he put some mashed potatoes on my plate.

"Seems like you're in a good mood now. Thanks." I said as I got the pasta after Kaleb was done. I put some on Jake's plate and then on mine. He kissed my temple and started eating.

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