Chapter 25: A Shoulder

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The rumbling of the plane we flew in still didn't cover the screams that rang in my head. My grip tightens around Nat's hand, but she doesn't mind. My head against her shoulder and her ginger hair lightly tapping my pale cheek skin.

"We'll be at HQ in a few minutes..." Falcon says, before hitting a few buttons. His left hands still on the controls. 

Steve takes his hands off of the chair Falcon was sitting on. "Thanks Sam.." he responds before walking away and to us. He hands me a plastic bottle of water, "Wanda.. You need to drink something..." 

I hesitate for a second then peeled my grip off of Nat's touch. "Thanks.." I reply before taking a sip of the water, almost choking from how dry my throat was. When I was done, I almost struggled to put the cap back again because of how much my hands were shaking. 

I put the water down then looked up at the scene with Steve sitting down at the seat opposite of us, Sam sitting in the pilot's chair and Natasha by my side. The silence dreads between the overwhelming guilt I held inside of me. Inside of all of us... It was me, that stained the reputation of the Avengers. 

Nat puts a hand on top of my shaking one. "Wanda, it's alright." 

I don't say anything, instead I let my head fall onto her shoulder. Squeezing my eye shut, hoping that whenever I wake up, I would be waking up to find it to only be a dream.

However, I had too many nightmares to know the difference between reality and my dreams. 

Once the plane lands, we get off and I peel my numb body off of Nat's strong one. I force myself to stand to my feet and grab my belongings. 

I felt as if I was dragging myself out of bed, except that I was wide awake there was only a gray cloud to looming over me. My luggage fell behind me, as the wheels pebbled its way towards me. I felt tired once again, no more clear skies or bright futures ahead of me. 

The doors after doors part from my entrance and as soon as I get to the living room the first thing I see is people waiting for us, Rhodes sitting down watching TV and Vision standing up behind him. Rhodes jumps out of his seat when he see's me and the rest of the team enter the room. I look up to see what they're watching and it's a report on our mission, a footage plays of me hurling the explosion to the building. 

Rhodes quickly shuts the TV off and Vision quickly changes his point of direction to me, not making a crease to his dress shirt. 

I purse my lips, giving them a quick nod of acknowledgment. I force myself to not look at Vision too long, only taking a second to sneak a quick glance towards his way. He was right, I wasn't ready. I hear the doors swish open behind me. Turning around I see Cap and Nat coming in. 

I curled my lips upward attempting to put on a smile, "I feel kind of tired, I'll be in my room if you need me." 

Without waiting for their response I go to my door taking my luggage with me. Once I get there I shut the door quickly, leaning my body against the white paint. I throw my luggage to the floor, the wheels skitting along to god knows where. 

I wanted to collapse onto my bed, but I don't even make it there. Falling to the floor instead, I slide down, my back against the side of my bed, facing the white door. 

I wanted to know what everyone was thinking, but at the same time I already knew. No slipping into people's mind to know that everyone was thinking the same thing. That I failed, failed to represent, failed to become the Avengers I was supposed to be. 

I hang my head low, silly for me to think that things would be looking up for me.

Suddenly I hear something slip under my door. I look up to see it was a piece of paper with something written on it. 

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