Chapter 19: Miss

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I stretch my arms to the tip of my foot, the strings on the back of my leg tightening as I do. I sighed, still a bit tired from my last nightmare. 

"So you want to explain to me, what happened last night?" Natasha asks me, sitting next to me and doing the same stretch as I was doing. I only remember rolling around last night, but according to Nat, I was screaming and my red hex was floating out of my body. 

She almost got seriously hurt from my power. "It was just a nightmare..." I say lowly, not really wanting to explain more of what happened in my nightmare. 

Nat saw the look on my face and understood the message immediately. "Okay, I understand, but has this been happening ever since you came.." she asks, a worry look on her face. 

I shrug, "Kind of..." I start to remember the dreams of standing on my brother's corpse as the civilians drag me down, my earlier nightmare with his hands on my neck, choking me to death. 

I shake my head, getting rid of the horrible thoughts, "Anyways, um... how did you even hear me scream? Your room is on the other side of the building." 

"I didn't... Vision came to me and told me what happened." Nat says, standing up and fixing her pants. I stand up as well, looking at her confusingly. 

Vision, I think back to my cold rejection to his confession. 

"Did something happen to you two?" she asks not expecting an answer. "He came all the way to me then disappeared when you woke up, aren't you guys friends?" Nat looks at my face, that doesn't seem to look back at her. 

"It's nothing...." I reply, stretching my arms. 

Before Natasha could ask anymore questions, Steve comes outside, where we were supposed to begin training. "Okay guys, group up!" 

Nat touches my arm, pouting at me, "Don't think our conversation is over, missy.." 

We both walk towards cap with Sam smiling next to me with his wings folded onto his back and Rhodes behind Nat. I look around Tony didn't seem to be here neither did Vis. Why would he be absent? "Today we'll be focusing on our strength, Wanda." The call of my name perks my interest. "I want to work with you today, Sam will help as well." 

I nod, when the group disperse to train. Steve puts his hands on his hip and asks, "Have you ever think of flying with your powers?" 

I tilt my head in confusion, looking down at my hands. "Flying? No I haven't really thought of it much." 

Steve smiles, "I think I'll be nice for mobility purposes, you might be powerful, but you need a way to get around quickly." 

Sam nudges me with an elbow, "Plus we can be flying buddies." Giving me a crooked smile, I giggle from his response. 

"Okay, but I don't know if I can control my powers, especially in the air." I say touching my arm nervously. I imagined myself plummeting to the ground if I lost control. 

"Well, that's why I'm here!!" Sam says, his wings widening. "Don't be scared, I'll catch you if anything goes wrong." 

I sighed, looking down at my hands producing the familiar red that crawled onto my skin. "Alright, how am I going to do this." I thought back to everyone who could fly, Stark can fly, by blasting energy from his hands, making him launch into the air. 

I looked down at my hands, maybe if I focus on the energy in my palms, push them off. I breathed out a breath full of trust in myself. "Here goes nothing!!" I whisper. 

The red in my palm glows, and I push them back, launching myself into the air. 

A sudden rush of wind flies into my lungs and my heart is beating so fast that I can hear it like a stick hitting a drum. I could almost touch the clouds, feeling as if I was on cloud nine. 

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