~~~~Little Ideas~~~~

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Author's Note:

Warning, that this isn't a real chapter just a bunch of scribbles and little ideas I wrote that wouldn't actually go into this fanfiction.

These are just ideas that came to mind. And one day I wanted to share them with you.

And since I haven't updated this past month I'll give you this since I'm not done with the new chapter.

It's just been really tough lately at school. And people can't be as understanding about bad grades and how you just fuck up once in a while.

Aside from that, I really hope you like these little prompt, thing I don't know what to call this.


When Wanda gets her first costume

Steve: Since you've joined the Avengers for at least 2 months, I thought it was fair to give you your very own costume. I hope you like it

Wanda: *stares at costume* The fuck is this?

It's the original Scarlet Witch outfit from the comics. In my opinion I didn't really like it.


Wanda being cold to Vision

Vision: I understand that the lost of a loved one can be hard. But I must insist you to take my advice.

Wanda: Heh, you know where you can stick your advice.

Vision: No, where?


Vision turns human

The air pierces the vibrenium, no his skin. Actual flesh under it, he could feel the cold. The air around him, breezing by his breath was takened. He could feel the wounds on his body. And the stains sticking his shirt to his skin.

He felt alive....

A little idea of when Tony turns Vision human. This is like him waking up.


Pietro vs Vision

Vision felt the eyes of pure anger staring into his soul. For once he felt nervous, as if it would jump up any minute.

"Mr. Maximoff, are yo-"
"Shut it toaster!!

Pietro slammed his palms onto the dining table not removing his gaze from the android. This made Vision very uncomfortable and made him question Pietro's eyesight.

"Listen toaster, I better not find you fucking my sister."

Vision raised his eyebrow in question. "I seem to not understand the term 'fucking'"

"But if I were not to know, then how do I know what to not perform?"

Pietro growled in anger,
"Just listen and listen closely." Grabbing the poor android by the collar of his shirt. "Back off my sister, okay?! She doesn't need some android like you!" Then releases him, turning around not expecting a response from him.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Mr. Maximoff." Pietro turned around to listen to the android speak.

"Wanda, means a lot to me. And I will not let her be takened away, because you do not support our relationship." Vision says determined.

Pietro clenched his fist ready to throw it, "You little!!"

His fist was catched by the andriod, who looked at him calmly. "I meant what I said Mr. Maximoff, I will not give up Wanda that easily. Vision let go of Pietro's arm "I hope you understand that Wanda means the world to me..."

The Witch 《Scarlet Vision》Where stories live. Discover now