Chapter 13: Stuttering

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It was the next day, but I didn't get any sleep last night. I was too horrified from the day before, scared of my next nightmare.

I rub my eyes, forcing them awake. Maybe staying up was a bad idea, I'll have to grab some food for energy. I remove my covers and put on my scarlet slippers with bunnies on top.

Before I could even reach for the door, someone kicks it down. That someone is Nat. Does no one know how to knock?

"WANDA ITS 8:00!! TRAINING BEGINS IN 10 MINUTES!! WHY AREN'T YOU DRESSED!!" She yells bustling into my room and raiding my closet.

"Eh?" I yawn, rubbing my eyes. At this point I don't even know what's going on, but the flying clothes make me jump out of my skin. "Wha- hey!!"

"You only have four shirts and three pants. And all of them are red!!" Natasha yells. "We have to hit the mall soon.." she throws a red jacket at me and a pair of leggings. "You'll wear this for training!"

"No butts!!"

Natasha forces me into the jacket and takes off my sleeping shorts into the leggings. "C'mon if this was a real mission, people would be dead before you could save them."

I take a breath, my face flushed from the clothes change. "This is sexual harassment..."

"Less talking more walking!!" As she drags me out of my room like an army commander. Drags me through the kitchen, pass the delcious toast, pass the living room and into the training area where the rest of the Avengers.

Let's see Steve, Nat, Rhodey, Sam standing like badass superheroes. Then theres me on the floor, with messy hair, wrinkled clothes and starving.

"Morning..." I managed to say, I stood up as I awkwardly tried to smooth my morning hair.

"Nat pulled you out huh," Steve chuckles. "A bit harsh I know.." then he continues to walk forward addressing the matter with the rest of the team. "Today we'll be improving on our weaknesses, strengthening our power and skills. So go on and do what you gotta do."

The rest of the team scatters while Nat and Steve approach me. "Okay, so let's work together." Both of them looking at me.

They take me to an empty room with glass windows where you could see the inside, I examined it curiously as the doors opened welcoming us coldly. Natasha nudges me, "Go on.."

Once I walk into the room the glass doors shut by themselves. Oh god, is this a trap!! I panicked and started smacking on the glass while Nat waves at me with Steve laughing.

Those Bastards...
"Calm down Wanda, this is where you can use the full extent of your power. Tony created this room where you have to use your skills to defeat hologram like enemies. Want to give it a try?"

I calmed down, I shouldn't get so worked up I'll end up making a full of myself. "Sure.." I flicked my hand and the red hex returned to my palm.

"Just bear in my mind the farther you go the harder it gets. They may be holograms but they can still hit you hard." Nat says into the mic.

I crack my neck, warming myself up. "Ok, ready." The power in my hand roars in power.

A human like hologram appears in yellow pixels. Am I suppossed to shoot at it? After a couple of seconds, it charges. I throw my hex at it's head and the body collasped onto the ground.

"Huh, that was easy." But right after I say that four other holograms appear around me. I slam one hologram into the other in front of me, but i forget the one's behind me.

In a matter of seconds, four become eight and more start to attack me. I was still low on energy, I could barely stand up. And I felt like an idiot for what I did next.

My power starts to build up, while the red hex starts to heat up. I get more angry and with a roar I bring them all down around me.

I breathe heavily and my vision let's fuzzy, everything appeared dark and all I could hear are voices. Not long after I collapse, shutting my eyes and giving into the rest.

My eyes flutter open and I frown adjusting to the light. I recognize the ceiling, I was in my room. I shift from my covers shoving it off, it was way too hot for blankets.

"Please try to rest, Wanda." A metallic voice says. "You don't have a lot of energy to fight back.." I turn around to see the red skinned andriod.

"Oh, hey Vis..." I say groaning from my headache as he reaches the red covers and pulls it over me. "W-What happened?"

"According to Miss. Romanoff, you collasped at the training area. This was due to the low energy you had and the fact that you used your powers quenched the last of it." Vision says. A warm hand touches mine then wraps it around with another hand, Nat was the one that took my hand.

(Haha, you probably thought it was Vision's hand, hahaha -author)

"I'm so sorry, Wanda. I had no idea you didn't get any sleep! And I should've gave you some food.." Natasha squeezes my hand. "I'm sorry.."

I smiled, "It's alright, I feel fine.. I was the idiot who used all her energy in  one blow.." the warmth of her hand, made me feel safe.

"Pardon for interrupting, however Miss. Maximoff must take a rest. I hope you understand Miss. Romanoff." Vision says standing up himself. "We shouldn't disturb her.."

Nat nods, "We'll talk later.." as she heads for the door behind Vis. After that, Vision says "I shall go to, good night Wanda,"

"Wait," I said. I almost forgot about his cape. "During the attack, you gave me your cape. I cleaned it up, let me give it to you." I say as I stood up and out of my bed.

"You shouldn't get out of your bed!! You're still weak.." Vis says rushing to my side.

I brush him off, standing to my full height. "I'm fine! Super strong! You shouldn't worry do much, Vis." I look around, keeping my eye out for the yellow cape. Where did Nat put it?

"You may not notice this, but human's are fragile beings. You saw how easily you passed out.." he says in worried but astonished tone.

I grab the cape which was in a box of my closet. "Vis, you may not notice this, but I'm not fragile. I only passed out because my lack of energy." I pat his shoulder, "So you don't have to worry about me."

I fold the cape over my arm. "I also wanted to say thank you.." as I hand it to him in a neat pile.

"What for?" He looks at me like a naive cat.

"For caring, you didn't have to save me that day. But you chose to, and I got angry at you for it. I felt so stupid afterwards. Tch, you even wrapped your cape around me to keep me warm." I laughed at the end.

"Thanks Vis,"

When I met his eyes, something about them changed. The color of them use to be gray, looking shallow with no meaning, it looked as if gears were shifting among them. But now, the color seems lifelike.


I snap my fingers in front of him. "Vis?" What happened to him? "Something wrong?"

He shook his head, touching the stone on his forehead. "I-um..." Vision coughs. Was he stuttering? "No, Its.." he breaks into a smile.

Finally he says "Your welcome, Wanda. I will always wrap you around my cape to make you feel warm and care for you when you feel cold." The words coming out of his mouth felt unnatural, as if it wasn't part of him to say so.

"I.. will go now.." suttering again. Vision carries his cape in his hand and exits my room.

What just happened?

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