Chapter 3: Off guard

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When we departed from the jet, I thought I was ready. But the cold wind already caught me off guard. I shivered from the breeze, it felt as if it punctured my skin.

I sighed, there was no time to complain about that. Have a city to save. Pietro squeezes my shoulder then runs off to the area he's assigned to. Leaving me alone with the rest of the team.

I guess you wouldn't call it alone, but for me... it would be 'alone'

"Wanda... me and the others are gonna look for Ultron, do your uh... thing ok?" Steve say running off, before I could respond.

Now I'm alone, great...

I shake my head, no time to think about it, I have to concentrate and get these people out of here. My muscles relax as I let my mind flow into a drift. The red wisps dancing in my hands as it spreads throughout the city. Houses to houses, where everyone stops what they're doing and follows my command.

Leaving their houses, they follow in a trance. Exiting the city safely as the rest of the team watches over them.

After 10 or 15 minutes, an explosion erupted. However, the noise sounded nothing like it, it sounded like metal gears clicking and turning.

Which also distracted me from my little spell. I look to see other people confused, out of my trance.


Another explosion, and that sends everyone to panic. I curse under my breath it's just like 10 years ago. Did they find Ultron already?

"Hey sis!!" Pietro says as he rushes pushing everybody to safety. Then runs back to my side.

"They found Ultron?" I said keeping my eyes on the civilians.
"Yeah... The captain told me to help with the rescue.." he replies, frowning at me. "Hey, are you okay?"

I look down at my hands, they were trembling so bad, I couldn't even keep them steady. But I nod anyway "I'm fine.."

"I said I'm fine... help with the civilians, I'll take care of this part..." I said letting my red crawl onto my sleeves.

Pietro sighed, "You know.. you're never gonna be fine if you keep denying it..."

I glare at him.
"Okay okay!!" Pietro says putting his hands up. "I'll see you later!!"

Clink clink clink clink
The sound of metal running on the floor, reached my ears as other people scream running away from gunshots. Using my red wisps to make a shield covering the civilians with me in front holding it up.

The bullets shoot the barrier and it cracks each time, more of Ultron's clones seem to multiply as they crowd in front of me.

I grunt looking back at the civilians "Get out of here!! It's too dangerous!!"

In response all of them exit the area. I wonder if they'll be okay. I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice my shield had been broken the impact sends me flying back, my body on the floor.

I groan "Ugh.."
I look up to see the robots running up to me, Damn... this is gonna hurt...

I wanted to stand up and continue fighting, but my back was bruised from the impact.

One clone lift up their fist, but before they could even touch me, a hand went through the robot at ease, then the skin harden making his gears crunch in response. As he pulled it out.

I gasp, that must've hurt. Wait can robots even feel pain?

"Miss. Maximoff, are you alright?"

I rub my eyes, and saw the Vision stand in front of me, putting out a hand. "I have heard that this gesture is a way of comforting someone.."

I snort, I forgot he was born 3 hours ago. I take his hand, for an android his skin was smooth with vibrenium but still warm like a human. When I realize how long I was holding his hand I take a step back "Y-Yeah..." then rub my temples. Somethings wrong with me, I must be really tired.

The sound of my name, makes me whip my head around to see Clint running up to me.

"Glad to see you okay, your brother sent me hear to watch over you.." he looks at Vision "Oh and Tony needs you, he found Ultron.."

The android nods "I see... I shall report there immediately..." then flies into the sky.

I look as he goes away, then turn back to Clint. Letting my eyes glow red with power "Okay, what should we do first.."

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