Chapter 12: Chess

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I stared at the chess pieces, "You want me to play chess with you?" I took a piece that had a horse on the top. Looking down at the black and white tiles already made me confused.

"The decision is up to you, Wanda." A second time, but now it was easier said than the last. 

"I see, the thing is I've never learned how to play." Putting down the horse on the tile. "Do you mind teaching me?"

"Of course not," Vision spreads his hand shifting each piece, arranging them on a specific place and on a specific tile. So perfect, "The game is quite simple, the objective is to checkmate the opponent's king." Pointing to the two pieces one black, one white. Both with a cross on the top. "But at the sametime you are protecting your own king. You can attack or defend with the pieces you have on the board."

I look at the front row of pieces that stood like soldiers having a ball on the top. "So like these ball thingys?" Pointing to it.

"That's called pawns, Wanda." He chuckles, can an andriod do that?

"Hey!! I'm learning!!" I pouted, crossing my arms.

"I'm very sorry, I suppose the way you describe what you don't know is quite enjoyable to watch." Vis smiles.

I look at his smile, of course Stark gave an andriod the ability to smile. "Fine, teach me more, what's the thing with the crown?"

"A rook,"
"And the horse?"
"A knight."

Vision continued to teach me the directions and rules of the game. We exchanged a few words and shared a few laughs.

"So what about this one?" I picked up a black piece that had a crown with a topped up point.

"That's a queen, it's a powerful piece on the board. Which makes it valuable to the player and important to the king." Vision says picking up a white king piece. "I'd say it definitely represents you..." he whispers under his breath.

"Shall we get started!?"

I nod, ignoring the last part even if I hears it loud and clear. What did he mean by that?

I put down a pawn first moving it two tiles front. Vis does the same, but after a few moves he says "Check."

"Huh?!" I stare at the board his pawns and bishops surrounding my king. "How did you get me so fast?!"

"Checkmate," Vision says knocking his white pawn with my black king. "This is your first time playing, so I wouldn't dwell on such a lost."

"Mmmm!!" I pouted, "You probably have a cheat sheet for this game! You have artificial intelligence, you could just Google it!!"

"I'm afraid that's not how it works, Wanda."

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