Chapter 22: The hotel

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I replace new flowers to my brother's grave and make sure to wash the dirt off the tombstone. "I'll be gone for a few days to go on a mission to hunt down some weapon dealer," I said to him, "This will be my first mission, I really hope I don't blow this.."

Only meeting his silence response. "I fixed things up with Vis, so that's a good thing..." I said to him, only talking to his tombstone. I look back at the stone and smile, "Wish me luck brother." 

"Are you sure you have packed everything?" Vision says sitting on my chair watching me walk back and forth trying to remember things I would likely forget. 

I went through my backpack, "I have three days worth of clothes, my mission gear and some snacks." Holding up a pack of chocolate pocky, Nat gave me. She said it was supposed to taste really good. 

"Your menstruational pads." Vision answers simply, showing no hint of embarrassment.

To be honest I wasn't even weirded out by the questions, because there were so many other weird stuff he had mentioned already. "But I- it hasn't even start yet" 

"It will in approximately six hours thirty minutes and two seconds from now." 

I look at him in disbelief, feeling a bit nervous of how he would know that. "I guess I'll take your word for it..." as I throw a bunch into my bag. 

I look into my bag satisfied with my belongings piled up and organized. "I think I got everything." I say before pulling the bag onto my back, Vision stands up from his seat. "Bye Vis-" 

"Are you sure you have everything?" he asks phasing to me, blocking me from my room's exit. "Your tooth brush, your towel?" 

I giggle lightly, "Yes I did." 

"Perhaps a light jacket, it will be quite chilly tomorrow." 

I rolled my eyes, a smirk on my face. "Why do I have a feeling you're trying to find excuses so that I don't go.." I say with a sly tone, leaving Vis a bit surprised. 

Vision clears his throat, "I suppose I find this mission you are going on quite dangerous, for a newly recruit Avenger such as yourself." he states. I remembered the way he acted back at the meeting room, he must've been really worried about me. 

As sweet as that was, I couldn't ignore the truth. "I made a commitment, there's no turning back now." I huffed, looking at him with a smile. "Plus, remember? I'm strong enough to handle myself, humans aren't as weak as you think." 

Vis looks at me unamused by my little speech. I sighed, "Don't worry Vision, I'll be alright.." I say putting a hand on his arm for comfort. He blinked, surprised by the sudden contact. I jerked away from his reaction, "U-Uh sorry!"

"It-t's alright..." he coughs, moving out of the way. "I wish you luck on your mission Wanda." Vision awkwardly pats me on the shoulder, "I.... hope for your safe coming back." 

I giggle at his awkward action, he smiles slightly seeing me laugh. "I'll be back soon, don't miss me too much." I stuck my tongue at him playfully, before heading out. 

Me, Nat, Steve and Sam get onto jet. While I did feel a bit excited on going to my first actual mission, the jet landing made me feel a bit sick. When we finally stepped out of the jet, I threw up at the jet platform's nearest trash can. 

"Ughhh..." I groaned, from my sickness. Clutching the trash can for dear life, "I feel so sick..." I managed to mumble out, before Sam hands me a napkin. 

"First time in the air?" Nat says, pulling me up to my feet. 

I sighed, throwing out the napkin after wiping my mouth. "I'm used to flying with my powers, but I get a bit scared from being so far up." I say remembering my first time flying, being caught by Vision. 

Captain looks back at us, grabbing his stuff already walking far ahead of us. "If she's alright, let's start getting to our hotel. We're going to need to go through some plans." 

Nat pats me on the shoulder, leaving to get her stuff. I sighed, shaking off my sickness. C'mon you can't let them think you're weak. 

We drive through the streets with a taxi to our hotel. Once we get to our destination, we look up to see an old dusty hotel. Nat nudges me, "We need to stay low that's why we're staying in this dump. Don't worry it's only till the mission is over." 

I nod, it didn't really matter to me anyways, I was use to the dirty places me and Pietro had to stay in when our parents died leaving us homeless. All four of us entered the hotel, the owner smoked a cigar, flicking it before the owner looks over to us. 

Nat throws my hood over my face, I look over her confused then see Captain with his baseball cap dipped low, Sam wearing black tinted sunglasses and Nat with a scarf covering her face. Leaving my identity a bit exposed.

The owner sighs, "Your rooms are on the keys." throwing a bronze key at Steve, who catches it with no effort. All of us walk off with no words, dragging our luggage across the old wooden floors. 

Steve hands Natasha our keys, and says to me. "Natasha will be staying with you, me and Sam will be in the room next to yours, you should get some rest, we'll discuss about the plans tomorrow in your room..." 

Sam waves us goodnight as we start fiddling with our key to the room. Once we got the door opened I dropped my bag onto the floor that made my back ache. I look around to see old paint peeling off with a stain on the curtains and a crooked painting above one king bed. 

"We're.. going to sleep on the same bed..." I asked Nat, trying not to sound so awkward as I fall onto the fluffy bed. 

Romanoff smiles wickedly, "I'll pass, I should save that for Vision." 

My face turns red, "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Throwing a pillow at her as she climbs onto the bed with me, laying right next to me breathless. 

"It would be so awkward if Same and Steve had to deal with the samething.." I said, while Natasha laughs picturing the scene. 

Meanwhile in the room next to their's 

"You've got to be kidding in me..." Sam says, as both men look at the one king bed in front of us. 

Steve stares at it, "I mean.... we can share it?" while Sam looks at the man in disbelief.

"This is so gay..."

The Witch 《Scarlet Vision》Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora