Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Wesley was now everything to me. Even if I wasn't everything to him. Whenever we can, we sneak to each others houses and hangout. Luna invited me to stay the night. Even though the wedding was now in 2 weeks, I had most everything done. I technically only have to recheck them off the list.

I went over Luna's and talked to her about how my mom moved the wedding closer. She was surprised but said that it would be good to get it over with. I haven't met with Wesley for over two days, and that was long enough. I peeked from the corner of my eye and saw Wes motioning me over to him quietly.

"I got to go to the bathroom real quick," I got up and went into the hallway. Wandering around, I got pulled against the wall.


He put his finger over my mouth and smiled. I hugged him tightly and kissed him roughly. I missed Wes a lot. And by the way he was grabbing my hips, it seemed he did too.

"We need to go on another date," he whispered.

"I know," I replied. He thought.

"Okay...park, Friday, you in?"

I kissed him once more.

"Of Course I'm in."

"All right baby, see you then."

When he turned away, I frowned. Friday wasn't until after tomorrow.

I went back to Luna and sat down.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"I could hear grunting-"

"No I'm fine just a little tired."

She stood up, and motioned me to go with her.

"Working out always helps me," she headed into a huge workout room that looked like an actual fitness center.

Wesley was in there. I had to act as if I didn't like him at all. He did the same but was a little harsh.

"Get out," he said as we walked in.

"This is mine too, We can be in here if we want."

"I said get out. I'm not arguing with you."

"This place is huge. I don't think you really need it all to yourself," I interrupted.

"How do you know what I think and need?"

"Don't talk to her like that. I don't care what you say. She is sick and tired and this will help," she turned on the treadmills. I wasn't sick.

"You're sick?" he asked immediately. I gave him a look as if saying, don5 be concerned, and he cleared his throat.

"Who cares, don't bother me. Kay?" he began doing sit-ups and I stared every time Luna looked away. He smiled and winked at me.

"All right you can walk or jog, I'm gonna run," she said.

I didn't want to look like a wimp.

"I'll run too," I replied.

Luna grinned and we stretched and started. I loved running. I used to do it all the time. I ran for 8 minutes, when I got off, I rested for 1 minute and started some sit-ups.

"Yo, we should make this a routine. We can come in here like, 3 times a week and we can lose weight together!"

"Sure, that would be fun!" I got to 25 sit-ups and was close to giving out.

"Oh please don't. Thats what I do." Wesley randomly said.

"We are going to," Luna laughed.

He got an annoyed look on his face.

I was now at 40, I figured I could stop. I felt so energized now. I needed a shower though. I'm staying the night here, maybe Luna will let me use hers.

"Go shower," Wesley said, acting as if we smelled.

I laughed a little and I could tell he was holding back a smirk.

"We are, Layla, you can use mine first, I'll use my moms." After that, she gave me a towel and showed me where everything was.

"All right, it will take me at least 30 minutes. Just go in my room when you are done."

I smiled and shut the door. Undressing, I got into the warm water as it poured gently onto my skin. I heard a knock.

"Luna? I just got in."

They knocked again.

"Luna! I said I-" The door opened and Wesley came in with his eyes covered, but even if he hadn't, the doors were glass and had been fogged up.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm talking to you," he took his shirt off and started undressing right in front of me.

"Is that why you wanted me to take a shower?" I joked.

"You guessed it."

"And you're just gonna get in?"

I stared at his toned muscular body.

"Damn," I said. He laughed a little and stood by the shower door.

"You ready Layla?"

I covered up my breasts he got in. His hands went on my arms as he kissed me in the pouring water.

I let him kiss me on my neck. He then bit my lip and tried to be cute. I chuckled.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, grabbing the sides of my face.

Please buy my single on iTunes and leave me a review! It's called "Notice Me".

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Youtube: Shayla Hamady

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