Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Nothing was better than letting the wind soar through your hair. Letting all your worries wash away and having the world at your fingertips. The thing that you always wished for as a kid was now reality. The bridge we crossed over had an incredible view. Wherever we were, we weren't in Michigan anymore. We have been driving for hours on hours non stop. An ocean was below us, and a sunset was approaching us. This was it. I'm miles and miles away from all my problems. No more "caring" for someone who could careless. I'm free and thats all I ever wanted to be.
I glanced at Wesley who was focused on the road. His head turned and looked at me. I looked back at him, rubbing my hand over his in the center of the car.
"I don't know whether to cry or to laugh," I looked out of the window.
"You know it's crazy. No one in the world could ever experience this the way we have. Experience life as nothing but breathing. A body, brain, and oxygen."
I agreed slowly with him. I pulled out my phone. The 7th video we have done. I wanted to blog these moments just in case we never get to see them again.
"This is our 7th video we've done, it is almost night time and there is a beautiful sunset. We have no clue where we are We just know we are out of the place we were in. Somewhere with an ocean. We haven't passed any signs which is odd but I'm sure we will. Just keep driving Wes," I smiled at him.
"Just keep driving..." we held hands, and the video was over.
"I cant wait to watch them all at the end!" he said excitedly. Surprisingly, the videos had got over 1,000 views these last few days and I was really shocked. A lot of kids our age or younger supported what we were doing and why we were doing it. Over 100 comments consisting of girls going "aww" and "I wish I had a relationship like that" but I really didn't know if this was anything to be jealous of. Even though traveling was always on my to-do list, Sooner or later we are going to run out of money and have to go home.
After a few more miles, I was kind of hungry, so we stopped at a gas station.
I grabbed 5 Cliff bars and poured myself a 32oz slurpee. Those were my favorite when driving places. If you ever have a headache, it takes your mind off of it and makes you feel better. Knowing how stupid I was, it wasn't a shock that I over filled it and it all spilled. Wesley came to my side immediately, grabbing napkins and cleaning up the mess even after I told him I got it. I turned around to go through the napkins away and almost dropped to the floor. There was Mark. He didn't realize it was me until I froze and stared stupidly at him.
"Oh haha ain't this hilarious?" he glances at Wesley. Wesley's face was indescribable. He grabbed my hand, threw the money onto the counter, and began to walk out.
"You ran away with another girl? Wow! Thats hard to believe," Mark shouted.
Wesley kept walking.
"Another girl? What does he mean?" I asked still being pulled.
"Wesley?...Wesley!" I tugged his arm off and stared at him blankly.
"Another girl? This is the second time?"
"He is lying. Don't believe him."
"Are you the one lying?" I asked.
He sighed.
"I can't believe you think his telling the truth."
"I didn't say that...I was just asking."
Wesley didn't make contact with my eyes.
"Can we please just go?"
I nodded slowly. I knew what his dad had done to him and me and I thought it would be best if we did leave instead of talking to him. But then I realized. Missing my moms wedding was the worst thing I could have done to her.
"Wesley...go in the car. I have to do something."
He was hesitant but let me, which was surprising.
"Mark..." I walked in and met him at the counter.
"My moms did it go?" I asked.
He laughed.
"It didn't happen. She called it off. Don't know why, don't know when she changed her mind. Something happened...I bought all this alcohol for a reas-"
"No wedding!?" I yelled.
He shook his head.
I ran out of the store and jumped into the car.
"My mom didn't get married to your step dad! You're not my step brother, he's not my step dad! We have to go home though. My mom is alone. She has no one and I can't leave her like that. she must have asked him about the picture and he made a lame excuse! I can't believe it!"
Wesley smiled then let it go.
"You don't want to go back..." I commented knowing what he would say.
"Of course I don't. There is nothing for me there."
"Listen...after I help my mom get through this. We can go wherever you want."
Wesley looked at me.
"Come here," he gently grabbed the sides of my forehead and pulled me forward,
"You're amazing."
I grinned.
Pulling out my camera, I took one last video. Signing off from this adventure, this journey that was once in a life time.
This was it. My wild and crazy journey was coming to an end.
"How will we get home?" I questioned.
He shrugged and gritted his teeth. I continued to question.
"What Wes?"
"I kinda used my phone this whole time. I do know where we are...I know how to get back."
"What! It was suppose to be a surprise! Where were you headed?"
"I was driving to California...but then I realized it was way too I chose to drive to Florida instead."
I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"I would have definitely let you keep driving. Noooo now I'm upset," I stomped my foot.
Wesley began driving.
"Don't be upset. We can always do it. We'll make it our goal. This won't just happen once I promise."
He stuck his pinky finger out and I pouted but smiled slightly.
We kissed, and was on our way to whatever catastrophe was next.
Nothing in the world could break the bond I share with Wesley. Something in us just clicks. Years ago I would have never trusted a guy again after he did what he did but I trust that Wesley wasn't lying to me after what he said. I was in love with a guy I hated.
This was nuts. Nothing was happening once it was happened over and over again. The feelings, the thoughts, the touch. Everything. I loved every minute of him holding me, loving me.
I love you Wesley Stromberg.

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