Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"You seriously saw him?" Luna asked me.

"Why would I make it up?" I told her.

"Well it just seems crazy, he doesn't like my friends."

"I can ask him if you want," she responded.

"No, no it's fine, it just scared me," I replied.

"Well tell me if it happens again because I would be scared to if it wasn't my step-brother."

We put out some chips, salsa, Cheetos, Doritos, and really any chip you could think of, they had it. The pool in the back was open and the music was playing slightly until the party starts. I smiled and looked around. I was quite excited for this. I didn't go to a lot of parties because I was afraid something bad would happen and it could ruin my reputation.

"There is gonna be some really hot guys here," she nudged me and I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe you can find that one guy you have always been looking for since...what? 8th grade?" Luna added.

"Yeah right," I laughed and grabbed a chip.

"Why did you set up so early, damn," I heard a grumble come from up the stairs. I'm guessing it was Wesley.

"Don't worry about him, he is annoying, but you knew that," Luna pulled put her phone and began looking through the notifications.

"But seriously, get out there tonight, this may only happen once or twice."

"Ahh I don't really want a guy who gets drunk and does the most craziest things," I said sighing,"I'm trying to focus on my singing."

"Blah, blah, blah, singing, singing, singing, just let loose for a day and see what happens, you'll love it," she spoke looking at the time.


"Ayeee I brung some booze!" a girl excitedly walked through the door and placed the drink on the counter. Luna and I were just sitting on the couch waiting for the people we actually knew to come in.

"Who are you guys?" she laughed and looked at us.

"We-" Luna was about to say but got interrupted.

"Who cares! Ready to party?! hahaha," the girl was all ready drunk.

"Wes babe! where are ya?" she skipped up the steps and barged into his room.

"Oo babe, you're gonna be great tonight," I heard.

This was awkward for me but Luna was used to it.

"Does it every weekend to another girl," she shrugged.

When a group of 5 people came in, I recognized a guy thats in one of my classes. He doesn't talk much but somehow he has a lot of friends. His hair was kind like Zayn Malik's from One Direction. He turned 18 and that was normal for the beginning of senior year. His clothes were cacky shorts, he sagged them a little and wore a t-shirt.

"Hey!" I stood up and smiled at him.

"Hello," he raised his eyebrows.

"I'm in your 5th hour hehe so what are you doing here?"

"It's been a while since I've partied, I'm ready right now."

I looked over at Luna and she was talking to a group of friends.

"Wanna drink?" I asked him.

"Thats what i'm here for," he smiled and we walked towards a large fridge-like cooler.

I grabbed two drinks and handed him one.

I wasn't sure I was ready for alcohol right now...but I needed to let loose, like Luna said.

Once he took a sip, I did too and tried not to cringe.

We walked over to a some people and began talking. I noticed a large group that was the main people at the party. I looked quickly away for I had saw Wesley's eyes staring me down with a mean look again.

"Blake, see that guy over there?" I nudged him and gave a hint of who I was talking about.

"Wesley?? he is awesome, want me to go talk to him-"

"No, no...he keep staring at me and giving me mean looks and it's scary."

"Oh haha don't worry about it, he probably wants to do you or something."

"Why is he giving me mean looks though? and gross, he is like the biggest man whore ever." I had a disgusted look on my face..

"Well whatever haha," we both took gulps of our drink, finished them, then grabbed more.

I looked over at the large group again but I couldn't find him. I still felt eyes on me and it was the weirdest feeling.

It began getting very loud and a lot of people were drunk by 10:00pm. I was on the edge to it, but buzzed for now. My actions didn't occur to me though and my nerves went away. Once I lose my anxiety, I know I'm drunk. It took thirty minutes, and it was gone.

"Turn down for what" came on and people went crazy. I didn't even realize what I was doing.

I started dancing on Blake and since he was drunk too, he didn't even care.

"Woo!" Luna yelled and ripped off her top. The rest of the girls followed, which meant I had to. I took mine off. We all only had bra's on and jeans, some people wore


"Damn," Blake smiled when I looked back at him. His hands grabbed my sides and he was grinding on me from the back.

"You're fine as hell," he continued. I took another drink.

"Hahaha," I stumbled over to the counter and saw Luna kissing some guy. I just continued to laugh. I felt someone grab my hand and I turned to see Blake again.

"Hey, where are you going?" he asked.

"I just got to pee," I said smiling and touching him on his nose.

"Do I get something else?" he winked and pulled me closer.

"Muah," I laughed while kissing his cheek," thats all you'll get."

I walked away and found the bathroom in the hallway. I heard someone say my name so I turned around but I couldn't find anyone so I continued into the bathroom.

Someone stopped the door from shutting. When I saw who it was, I smiled.

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