Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I got into the now warm water and began talking to Luna.

"I can't believe this is the last day, it flew by so quickly," I said sighing.

"I know right, but it's not like we can't come back, I had a great time. So did you guys, right?" she looked at them and they nodded.

"I sure did!" Scott smiled.

"Yup," Wesley rolled his eyes and got into the water. He was close to me, but not that close.

"So lets just chill today okay? no adventures," James relaxed against the dock.

I soon felt a hand slip into mine under the water. Wesley did it so casual, it didn't even look like he was doing anything from above the water. Especially with the mean look on his face. But then I realized. It wasn't Wesley, it was Scott, and it explains why Wesley had that mean look on his face. Scott didn't have to hide the fact that he liked me because Luna didn't care and there was nothing to keep from anyone.

I just looked back and smiled at Scott.

Luna gave me a small smirk.

Wesley swam to James.

We were just standing having a conversation for the rest of the time, until I suggested something.

"Hey...I think we should have a bonfire, I heard it's gonna be kinda cold tonight," I said.

"O my gosh! That's a great idea! we should start collecting wood right now, and Wesley you have a lighter for your cigarettes so we can use that," she climbed up on the dock.

"Ugh I said no adventures," James interrupted.

"Well if you don't want to "relax" by the bonfire, then don't collect sticks," she shrugged. I got out of the water, along with Scott and Wesley.

"Just do it James," Wesley said to him.

He sighed and got out.

I dried off and put a cover up on. It was 7:00 by the time we were done. We put them in a pile. By this time, it was starting to get cold, I went inside and grabbed a small sweater then sat in one of the chairs Luna put around the fire. There were just enough in the house for us.

"This is nice," I said. The fire was perfect, and I don't know how we pulled it off but we did.

The heat was just enough to warm me up. I sat by Luna. She was on the left, and Scott was on the right. James was to the right of Scott, and Wesley was after him.

"It actually is pretty nice," Wesley murmured.

"Yeah, I guess," James replied.

"Stop being such a downer," Luna said.

"O my gosh!" I got up and went inside. I found some marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate, put them on a large tray and went back outside.

"Yass Layla yass!" Luna said clapping her hands.

I put a marshmallow on a stick and roasted over the fire. I then put it on a graham cracker and chocolate and then it was done. I walked over to Wesley, and gave him it.

"Take it Wesley!" I said.

"I don't want one," he answered back.

"Open your mouth."

"No," Wesley argued.

"Open your mouth!"

He groaned and opened his mouth. I put half the s'more in and laughed.

"There," I chuckled walking back over to my chair and making one for myself. Everyone had one now.

2 hours later, Luna got up and told us she was going to bed. Next James, then Scott. I was left with Wesley by the fire.

"You gonna go to bed?" he asked.

"No, Not yet, I wanna make this last," I replied. He got up and sat in the chair next to me. Pushing it closer. Then, He grabbed the blanket Luna brought out earlier, and put it on both of us. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder while staring at the fire. His arm went around me and he pulled me close.

"You were shaking..." he said.

"...thanks," I cuddled next to him.

He kissed my head. I began getting warmer by the second. I was so comfortable.

"Now this...this is nice," his raspy voice murmured in my ear. I got butterflies and goosebumps.

He rubbed his fingers through my hair.

"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire," he sang and laughed.

"Ewe! Not Christmas songs!" I playfully punched him and he chuckled.

"Sorry I had to."

"You're a goose," I replied cuddling back into him.

"Well you're my goose, goose," he kissed my head again. I looked up into his eyes and gave him a small smile. Then, soon later, I fell asleep.


"Get up everyone! It's time to pack!" Luna yelled through the whole house.

I groaned and got up. How did I even get in here? I was so tired I guess I don't remember. Wesley must have carried me. I thought I wasn't going to do that again...but it was my bad that I let it happen.

"Quit complaining. It was your fault you stayed up so late in the first place. Thats why I went to bed so early," she stuck out her tongue.

"Well you're a child," I said to her.

"Well I'm a smart child," she replied.

"Whatever," I got out of bed and put my few shirts in a suitcase and out them into the car.

I was already done considering I hadn't brung that much with me.

"10 more minutes guys!" Luna yelled once more.

"Luna it isn't a rush just-"

"Don't tell me! I know! I'm just super hungry, I was thinking we can stop and eat breakfast," she interrupted.

"Oh...okay," I sat in the car with the doors open on my phone till I seen Wesley's head pop into the car.

"Hey," he said with a smile.

"Hey," I replied giving a face.

"What's with the face? I put you in bed last night you know?"

"I know, but I just...Just-"

"Didn't want to hang with me alone again?"

"Well when you put it like that it sounds rude," I shrugged.

"I completely understand."

"Look I'm sorry do?" I gave a confused face.

"Yes. I understand fine. But that doesn't mean I'm going to back off," he gave a wild smirk, turned the car on and it's radio, then walked away.

What a little snake.

"Hey!" James and Scott climbed into the way back seats.

"What do you want James?" I said annoyed.

"We are just getting in. Chill."

I rolled my eyes. Finally, Wesley came back and sat in the drivers seat. I sat in the right back seat, and Kuna sat to the left of me. When no one sat in the passenger, James sat there, so he could talk to Wesley.

"Well, we are on our way!" Wes said rolling down the window.

"Yeah! To breakfast!" Luna and I laughed.


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Youtube: Shayla Hamady

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