Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I sat in the living room thinking of another way to get Wesley to admit that it was him last night. He walked in and sat on the couch next to me on his phone. I never actually thanked James because I knew Wesley was lying.

No one was around, we were the only ones in that room.

"So I thanked James," I said.

He didn't say anything, he just kept scrolling through things on his phone.

Then after a little bit, he looked at me.

"Look...I just wanted to do the right thing okay?"

"Wait haha are you admitting?"

"," he smiled but laughed a little and scooted in closer to me.

"Since when do you like doing the right thing?" I asked.

"There's a reason," He got up," I'm just not gonna tell you right now," then he was out the door and talking to James and Scott.

"Layla!" Luna shouted from our room.

"What?" I replied. I decided to go in our room where she was.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

I nodded and sat down, beginning to think of the worst things she would want to talk about

"...Before you say anything...if you like Scott I can totally back off there is no-" I began saying but got interrupted.

"It's not about's about Wesley."

"Wesley? what's wrong with him besides everything? haha."

"I just...I over heard you two talking and-" she looked at the ground.

"Woah, wait you were eaths dropping?"

"No I just...I'm worried, the way he was talking to you, it seemed like he was flirting..."

"Haha you're funny, that's the last person I would go to," I stood up.

"Look, I'm not having this conversation with you. You know I don't like him," I laughed walking out the door. I shouted back to her," I' be by the apple tree if you need me," then I grabbed a water bottle and went outside.

"Where are you going?" Scott questioned.

"The tree," I tried to cover up my butt because I knew they were all staring at it.

Once I got to the tree I sat down against it and began thinking. Maybe I should have just listened to Luna. Plus I don't think I should have left her there by herself. I have a bad feeling, I just need to call her. Pulling out my phone, I dialed her number. It rang twice but the call was dropped. Probably due to me in the woods.

I'm sure she is fine though. Hopefully, I know Scott wouldn't do anything.

To get my mind off of it, I went to the rock that Wesley sat on earlier and watched the river flow.

"Hey," Luna sat beside me and scared me badly.

"Jeez you scared me haha."

"I'm sorry for accusing you..."

"Oh it's fine it's fine, you were just protecting me, you're my friend and I'm happy I know you will do that," I replied. She smiled and opened her arms for a hug. I gave her one back.

"Anyways, enough about Wesley! How about we actually go adventuring this time? search these woods, I've never been that far. Wesley wasn't ever willing to." she shrugged.

Not Just Once Wesley StrombergWhere stories live. Discover now