Chapter 28

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I looked around my room and tried to conjure up ways to get out of this house.

My mom didn't say I was grounded from Luna. Maybe I could go over her house.

I ran down the stairs and entered the kitchen.

She was boiling noodles on the stove.


"I told you no Josh."

"No! I was gonna ask if I could go to Luna's?"

The smell of the sauce pan filled my nose.

"Did you fill out one of those applications for another job?"

"Yeah...I have for McDonald's," I replied. But I really haven't. I haven't even had an opportunity to get the applications in the first place. I had lied to her the first time.

"Fine. Only her though. If I find out you went to Josh's house I swear I will-"

"I know mom. Thank you," I interrupted her.

I walked out the door giving a happy look to Mark.

When I got to Luna's, I knocked on the door. She opened it.

"Layla! Hi!"

"Hey!" I hugged her when she went to hug me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I needed to get out of my house. They have been driving me crazy. She even grounded me!"

"Really? Thats sucks, come in," she motioned me in.

I walked past her.

"I have a few friends over if you don't mind. They are completely wasted so yeah haha."

"Thats fine. I feel like drinking too to just forget about everything that happened today and yesterday."

Luna handed me a drink and I sat down.

The girls were rolling around laughing on the other couch.

"So what you guys been up to?" I asked taking a sip.

"We were talking about our crushes!" The blonde one said. Her hair was in a bun and she wore sweatpants and a tank top.

"Yeah Sara has a crush on Wesle-"

"Shhhh," Sara yelled.

I looked at Luna and she rolled her eyes,

"He is just gonna play you. He is gonna tell you he loves you, screw you, then break up with you. He does it to every girl I have ever seen. He is bad."

My stomach began turning.

"So? Since when is a bad boy a bad thing?" Sara laughed and looked at the other girl, who's name is Haley. Haley wore a bun too with black sweatpants also and a tank top. Sara and Haley were both matching.

"I would do him right now! He is so hot. besides, how do you know?" Haley added.

"Whatever. I have seen him. He brings home like 3 girls every week. Although, I haven't seen him do it recently."

The turning in my stomach went away. Maybe Wesley IS changing.

"Well I can have him start again," Sara laughed and winked to herself.

They came to a sudden stop in chuckling when Wesley walked into the room. He had an angry look on his face and glanced at me once.

"Can you guys shut up? I'm trying to work on something and all I hear is pounding and laughing," he grabbed his charger that was on the table. Haley and Sara bit their lips.

Not Just Once Wesley StrombergWhere stories live. Discover now