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Alexicuss said "Everyone complament Dark and Anti, even Jackaboy man."

Okay. Dark! I love how the blue and red just BRINGS OUT the darkness of your soul.~ Anti. I love the small tiny of green in your skin, it really complaments your eyes!~

Wilford: Dark, how your made up if the two people I adored before that day....... As for Anti, Your hair is so FLOOFY and I LOVE IT!

JBM: Anti! Your my brother! I love ya either way! But I love that small glitch you get when someone says something bad about you! It shows your still somewhat human! Dark. You just look good in black. Especially that suit. It shows your features well!

JJ: Anti! Gween an back wook gud on you! Dawk, wed an bwu fit you nicely!

Shneep: Brother, I like how you keep a healthy diet! Dark, You are just WUNDEVA!!

Jim's: Bro we love ya even if yer a dark emo demon! Anti, same for you!

Chase: Anti...... You've been the nicest person to me, even though your a demon, you always took time to make sure you didn't scare me to much. Dark, your a wonderful person, you do such nice things when you think no one's around and I appreciate that a lot, be good to my brother please.

Host: Dark, you may have taken my eyes but I still love you, and red and blue suits you. Anti, your kind and sweet and that's what Dark needs in his life. Be good to him. Please.

Google: Best I can give is your nice enough so I won't kill you. To both of you.

Well......that was nice to hear how everyone feels about those two!
And as always I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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