Your alive

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-Wynonna POV-

Silence and flashbacks was all I had right now in this room. I didn't know what time it was, and honestly I hadn't cared since I was brought back after surgery. The nurses and doctor had been in to check on me countless times, but my eyes remained on the window, my mind lost in memories.

How could everything get this bad so fast? Life had been going so good until all these past feelings came flooding back into my heart. Even though I hadn't loved Kaiser the way a wife should have, he had provided a good life for Swayze and myself. We never wanted for anything and we never had to question what would be happening in our lives the next day. Now, our lives were dramatically different and I just couldn't wrap my mind around the reality of it. I knew I didn't regret being with Joe and coming back to my friends and family here, but I just couldn't help but feel that I had caused all of this pain. All of this was caused by my lack of love for a man whose heart just couldn't take the thought of being without me.

"Ms. Henderson?"

I turned my head to look at the young nurse as she stood near the door looking at me. They had all been extremely nice since Jon and I had arrived here, and I wasn't trying to be a pain in the ass.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but your family has requested to see you again." She spoke, a small smile on her face."Dr. Knick told them that you weren't up for visitors but they are still out in the waiting room, refusing to leave."

I took in a deep breath, wincing from the slight pain as I sat up in bed more. I knew I looked a mess, but that wasn't wasn't the reason I didn't want to see them. A small part of me still believed what Kaiser had told me about them all being dead and I had placed it into my mind. Even though Jon had promised it was a lie, it was still a hard pill to swallow. I also didn't want to have to look into their eyes and know that their lives wouldn't have been put into jeopardy if it weren't for me. Guilt was a heavy cross to bare and lord knows I was baring it.

"Tell them visiting hours are over." I spoke lowly.

"We did, 2 hours ago and they are still out there." She spoke.

I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face at her words. It sounded like my friends and family to not listen to what I was telling the staff. No matter what they were going to be here and that pulled at my heartstrings more.

"Okay." I sighed, looking over at her. "But warn them I'm not in the best shape."

"In their own words, they don't care." She smiled. "And ma'am, your beautiful."

I smiled, nodding before I let my eyes wander out the window again. I could just imagine what all The Shield had been putting this hospital through since being told I was in a room. I still hadn't had the courage to cut on the tv and see the news. I wasn't ready to face that music yet.

"Again," I heard the nurses voice as the door was opened slowly. "She is still very fragile and very sore. Please be respectful to the other patients on this floor and respect the fact that she needs to rest."

"For the 40th time lady, I got it." I heard Jon's voice, making me smile a bit. "Now please move. We need to see her."

"I've been told that you all can have twenty minutes, then you must leave and come back tomorrow." She explained.

"Thank you." I heard Patti's voice, causing tears to swim into my eyes.

"Sweetie?" I heard my dad's voice, along with footsteps entering the room.

Turning my head slowly, due to the concussion, my eyes filled with tears as I took them all in. Here before was everyone that I had been told had been killed, everyone that I had made my mind believe was gone, everyone that I loved on this whole earth. It was so overwhelming that I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, and they instantly began to fall down my face and soft sobs escaped my lips

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