"Please, stop... listen to yourselves."

I felt the couch shift around me. Slowly, I lifted my head up and took in my surroundings. I felt a hand touch my back and I jumped for a second before turning my head to look at that direction. It was Dennis.

"I'm sorry, Day."

I nodded my head, and leaned on his shoulder, taking deep breaths.

"How about breakfast?" Our mom asked us as if a reset button had just been pushed. "Sounds good," Denny effused. "Yeah, I'll help."

"It's more like a late brunch, but it's never too late for French toast, eggs, and bacon," I said smiling. I giggled while I was whipping the eggs in a small green bowl.

My mom was watching the baking sizzle on top of the stove and Denny was complaining about how long the toast was taking. Usually one of us cooks while the others are in a room by themselves doing whatever, typically it was mom cooking, but we can ignore that part. It was still charming to have all of us doing it together for a change, it also goes faster.

Once the chow was ready we sat on the couch and ate. For a moment, I wondered why and then I saw Denny glancing at that chair. No need to wonder why now.

"Dennis I'm pretty sure you burned the toast a little bit."

"No, Little Miss, I only burned yours a little bit." We laughed together and continued eating. It was nice. Can almost make a person forget the ruinous things going on in their lives, almost.

"When school gets out I'm going to see Jay."

"You must hate spending time with us," I heard Denny murmur with food still in his mouth.

"We might have gotten in a fight yesterday. It was kind of blurry, so I don't really remember. Still probably best to go see him." He must understand. I was... am going through a lot.

"That's fine, baby. I'm sure things will go over well with you two. It always does," mom cooed.

"How could it not with that positive attitude Little Miss," Dennis pointed his fork at me.

"How about we talk about you then Denny? Have you talked to Michelle or gotten that phone fixed?" Dennis looked at me with a slight smirk on his face.

"You don't want to do this with me, especially not now."

Smiling I simpered, "I can unquestionably take you on this right now. So much emotional baggage I bet you wouldn't want mom to know about."

"I know I have more on you, but we can call a truce, for now." We both chuckled underneath our breaths as mom said, "Okay, am I missing something?"


"Why did you want to come out here? It is cold." Denny and I were taking a walk to... well, I did not really know where, but it was pleasant.

"I needed to get out of the house. It gets stuffy in there with all the emotional unavailableness," I joked.

"Don't forget the years of shared trauma, hidden hostilities, and oh the heater," Denny pulled his beanie over his ears.

"How could you leave out the heater? I'm pretty sure it's the source of all our emotional unrest."

We laughed together, he has a different sense of humor than me, but we always flow well together.

He queried, "Did you have something on your mind?"

"I guess I just wanted to focus on someone else's problems for a little bit. Come on. Let me in. It can't be shared trauma if you go through it by yourself," I elbowed him the side as we kept walking down the street.

"What do you want to know about?" He has a whole rogues gallery of emotional baggage I could inquire about. "Let's start with something easy. How are you taking the break up with Michy?"

"Whoa, starting off a little too easy huh. Don't want to know about why I've always hated the snow," he stated in a sarcastic tone.

"Well, I figured snow trauma would be too overwhelming for you. I saw her at school and she asked about you," I searched for his eyes but he wasn't trying to make eye contact with me at all.

"I can't tell if it was really a breakup. We just... I don't know how to explain it."

"Cheating got too difficult for you," I said not trying to sound too judgmental.

"You didn't say anything to her about that did you?"

I did not answer right away. "No, I really wanted to though. It sucks that you did that, but at least you broke it off."

"I didn't even tell you. How did you find out?"

I half-heartedly laughed, "Didn't you know I have eyes everywhere. Yeah, all girls do. I think mom calls it intuition."

"So, you felt it deep down in your heart that I was cheating. You had a freaky vision or something." He did a terrible job of hiding it. Michy did not want to believe it so she hid in her denial.

"Let's just say you have the same sneakiness level as Swiper from Dora. Why did you do it? I thought you two were great together and she has always been so sweet and she-" I cut myself off before I started rambling and just wheezed out.

"Relationships just sensibly aren't really my thing," Denny said to me.

"Maybe you just haven't dated the right type of person yet?"

"Maybe, but we all can't fall in love at five," he matter-of-factly stated as he glanced over at me with his peripheral vision.

"If the five-year-old you are referring to is Jay then you are seriously mistaken."

He scoffed, "You can't live in denial forever," he bumped into me, knocking me off the sidewalk.

"You have no jurisdiction to say that," I joked getting back on the sidewalk beside him and nudging him over. "You have no jurisdiction to get back on this sidewalk."

"That is also something you have no control over. And there still is a Liv sized elephant in the room. And even so, I'm not in love with him. He has a girlfriend. He - they seem happy together and I can't come in between that," I half skipped slightly and looked up at him.

"Don't let her get in your way. It's a now relationship, not a forever relationship. He probably just wants to sleep with her and move on."

I shook my head, "No, he isn't like that. Plus, if he was then I definitely wouldn't want to be with him. I'd much rather be friend zoned forever than to have him that way and for him to use me and it's over."

Dennis wrapped his arm around my shoulder saying, "Well, you do have a good head on your shoulders after all." He squeezed my shoulder for a second and I put my arm around his back.

"Thanks for talking to me bro." We continued walking down the sidewalk in this position, blissfully conversing.

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I'm going to start updating every Monday usually in the morning!

Have a lovely day and night to you all! *

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