The vision

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Stiles's P.O.V

Stiles huffed as he continued to stare at the ceiling. The light had started to fade in the room, telling him it was almost night-time. His head shot up as he heard something. His eyes widened as he heard voices and footsteps.

"Hey!" he shouted, shooting up and to the door.

"Hey! Anyone! Help! I'm here!" he yelled, hammering his fist against the door.

"Stiles?" his eyes widened as he could hear his dad's muffled voice.

"Dad! I'm in here! I'm here, dad!" he screamed as loudly as his lungs would allow. He gulped as he heard footsteps running towards the door.

"Stiles, are you in there?" his dad asked.

"Yeah, it's me, the son of a bitch orderly locked me in." he responded.

"Okay, we're going to get you out but we have to knock down the door. Stand back and keep your eyes covered." He instructed.

"Okay, I'm doing it." Stiles nodded before moving to the other end of the room and shielding his eyes. He heard a couple of thumps against the door before it flung open to reveal his dad.

"Dad." He sighed in relief, tightly hugging him.

"Are you okay?" Stilinski asked, holding Stiles's face.

"I'm fine, the orderly just knocked me out and took Lydia. They have Lydia, Scott and Y/N now." He choked.

"It's okay, we're going to find them. I've got cops searching every inch of this place." He reassured. Stiles looked down.

"But I felt something." He admitted. Stilinski looked at him.

"What do you mean?" he asked. Stiles looked up as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Since Y/N is a korrigan, her link to me is unbreakable. I feel the link too. I feel it when she's hurting, I feel it when she's upset, I feel everything she feels." He admitted. Stilinski looked at him.

"Okay, so what did you feel?" he asked. Another tear rolled down Stiles's face as his eyes wavered.

"I felt her die." He choked.

Y/N's P.O.V

I choked as I gasped for air, but it only made my state worse as I breathed in more of the poisoned gas.

"Y/N." Scott wheezed, reaching out for my hand. I took it and held it tightly as I also joined hands with Lydia.

"You guys need to stay with me, you're going to be okay." She nodded. I choked as I rested my head against my arm on the ground and let go of Scott's hand.

"Y/N?" he asked. I slowly let my eyes flutter shut as my breathing started to slow.

"Y/N, come on, stay with us, stay with us for Stiles." Lydia encouraged. The mention of his name gave me the strength to open my eyes slightly again.

"Tell him...tell him I love him." I whispered before closing my eyes.

"You can tell him yourself." Lydia nodded.

"What do you mean?" Scott coughed. Lydia looked at us.

"They're here." She smiled. Suddenly, the door burst open and police officers burst in, with Stiles running in too.

"Scott, are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine, get to Y/N, hurry." He urged. Stiles nodded before looking at me. I slowly closed my eyes again.

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