"Why is it always me?"

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I screamed as I jolted up, tears running down my face.

"I'm here baby, I'm here, just breathe." Stiles spoke, sitting up in his bed next to me and taking my face in his hands. I choked, my heart racing as I stared into his eyes. They always calmed me down, the whiskey of them almost getting me drunk just by staring into them.

"Breathe, baby, I have you, I have you." He reassured. I continued to cry as my breathing wouldn't slow down. Stiles's eyes widened.

"Y/N, you're having a panic attack, you need to slow your breathing." He gulped, holding my face.

"I can't-I can't." I gasped, my heart still beating a million miles an hour. Stiles looked down, trying to think of something. His eyes widened and he looked at my lips before gently kissing me. I froze for a moment before kissing back, holding his face as I closed my eyes. I felt Stiles's eyes open as my breathing calmed down and I stopped crying. He broke the kiss and gave me a small smile.

"That better?" he asked, still looking at my lips. I nodded.

"How did you know that would work?" I asked.

"Lydia told me that when having a panic attack, holding your breath can stop it. You do this cute, if not slightly petrifying thing of holding your breath when I kiss you, so I thought I'd try it." He smiled. I returned it.

"Was it another nightmare?" he asked, wiping away my tears with his thumb. I shook my head.

"No, it was a vision." I admitted. His eyes widened.

"I thought you could only have visions when you're awake." He mumbled.

"So did I. But that was definitely a vision, I've had enough to know the difference." I nodded. He returned it.

"Okay, so what was the vision?" he asked. I looked down.

"It was me and Scott in a room. Just the two of us." I started.

"Okay, if this was a vision showing us breaking up and you having a rebound with my best friend, I don't want to know-."

"We were being tortured." I cut him off. His eyes widened.

"What?" he asked. I gulped.

"They had taken us and were torturing us before..." I stopped. Stiles looked at me and cupped my cheeks again.

"Before what, baby?" he mumbled. I looked at him with tear filled eyes.

"Before they killed us both." I choked. Stiles's expression dropped and his face drained of colour.

"We have to tell Scott." He nodded. I looked down.

"Tell him in the morning. It's 2 o'clock, we shouldn't be waking him up." I spoke. He nodded and gently smiled at me.

"Agreed." He whispered before gently cupping my cheek and kissing me. I smiled into it and returned it, closing my eyes. Stiles broke the kiss and looked at me. I smirked as I joined our lips again, but in a deeper kiss this time. Stiles smirked into it as he cupped my jaw. I broke the kiss and sat up to take my t shirt off before joining our lips again. Stiles smirked and started to kiss down my neck, making me arch my back off the bed.

I pulled my top over my head as I got dressed for school. I turned around and sighed as Stiles was still fast asleep, his mouth hanging open.

"Stiles." I mumbled, nudging his shoulder.

"What?" he muttered, eyes still closed.

"We're going to be late for school if you don't get up." I sighed.

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