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Every Friday we have a huge bomb fire on the hill. A few of the Ranchers that are close come to the hill on Fridays drink switch story's and have a good time.
If my pa knew I was talking with them let alone friends with the " enemies " I would have hell to pay!

Kate and I came across each other when our cattle got lost when I was young. For obvious reasons, we could never date or anything. But I never did have those feelings for her. She was just like our girl farm help we have had.
So we kinda started this weekly gathering everyone brings something. I always bring the moonshine.

There's some legend that Kate's family the "Browns" stole our best cattle and ever since then they have been tried to put us out.
Kate and I don't believe in it and let our family's deal with it.
We have got in trouble many times for seeing or talking to each other but never stopped us. With such a small town with a population of, 200 everyone knows everyone and everything.

When Kate had taken Savannah I knew I wasn't going to see her for a while. But when I saw she was out seating by the tree looking out I couldn't help but walk over.


I could see her jumped before She looked over her shoulder.

Hey! You scared me... I ahh guess I got lost looking at the stars.

I took a seat down next to her she let out a breath and continue to talk.

I've always loved the stars there something about them that you kinda just forget about what's going on around you...
There was one spot I would go to back home you could see for ways and you could see the little towns and the city. When it was a clear night like this! The sky would light up with the glow of the stars.

I sat there in silence for a little while. I wanted to know more! What made her leave everything? You can see in her eyes the sadness. Before I knew what I was doing the words came out of my mouth and I couldn't take them back.

Savannah what happened?

What do you mean?

Well, why are you traveling across the country?

She turned and looked him in the eyes.
I really hope I didn't just ruin this. Not that this is anything I don't think. I wouldn't mind if it was.

Never mind don't answer that.

She just sat there starring out at the distance.

Growing up was never easy my parents never got along. On my 16th birthday, I came home from school to find a note that they split up and left. I haven't seen them since I was 15 from time to time I would get packages and money sent to me but never knew who sent them. I finish school while working full-time. I went on to college after college I left my parent's house. My best friend's family made sure all holidays and birthdays were a big deal seeing they were gone. After college I got a internship for this big restaurant in the city witch turned into managing the restaurant. When I was interning I started dating someone who then became my fiancé. Until I found him screwing our realtor on my kitchen table.
Here I am now babbling to some hot cowboy about my problems.

I wanted her to stop I couldn't listen anymore. How could someone do that to her?
I grabbed her and pulled her into my arm where she laid her head on my shoulder and rested her arm around my waist. I kissed the top of her four head.

I am sorry all those bad things happened to you.

She didn't say another word, we sat there in silence. I looked over my shoulder and noticed everyone had left.

We should get heading back.

Once we got back to the house I lead Savannah to her room standing in her doorway I just looked at her. Why would anyone want to hurt someone like her? She was so beautiful and smart.
I really wanted to grab her and kiss her so deeply it hurts.

Goodnight Savannah
A smile came across her face.

Goodnight Sawyer, thank you for a great time and letting me babble.

I smiled tilted my head at her and walked away. I had to or else I wasn't going to go.

I may not really know Savannah yet but I have a feeling she is worth getting to know. 

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