Road Side

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I've been on the road for 3 days now I finally came up with going to California. I figured I lived on one coast ill move completely across the country and start over.

I have been in Montana, for a few hours now and I could believe how beautiful it was. There was nothing for miles including cars the road where straight with snow top Mountains in a distance.
The clouds where every so puffy and fluffy with few and far trees it was just meadows for as far as you could see.
Just as I am enjoying the sites while jamming out to Brantley Gilbert I all of suddenly feel my car chugged.
I look down at my gages and there no lights on I have a half of tank of gas. Then my car comes to a screeching halt on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere!


I grabbed my phone hoping to have service but of course, I didn't. This is the start of every horror story with a young girl stranded on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere with no cell service.

I pop the hood of the car and look around but there nothing that I can see wrong, There's not even any smoke!
I got back into my car and tried to start it but she was dead nothing was happening.

I put my head into my hands what am I gonna do now!

Who knows how long it is to the next town or when someone will drive by.

What seemed like a lifetime of sitting there I see something in my review mirror.
I got out of my car I walked to the back of the car watching it. It definitely coming my way the more I watch the more I realize that it was someone on horseback.

Before I knew it there was a very very very handsome man on the back of a horse in front of me.

He grins at me with a tip of the hat, howdy Miss.

Hello, you don't happen to know anything about cars, do you?

I sorry miss I don't.

Ahh, this is just my luck!

Our local mechanic Jerry would be able to help you through, but you'd have to ride back with me to the ranch to use a phone.

I look at him sitting on his horse then look at the horse then back at him.

So what y'all say as he puts his arm out.

I guess I don't have much of a choice, do I?

No, you really don't the chance of someone else coming by is pretty slim.

I grab ahold of his hand as if I weighed nothing he swings me onto the back of his horse.
He looks over his shoulder with a grin,

I am Sawyer by the way.

thank you for helping me Sawyer, I don't know how long I would have been there.

He gives his horse a kick in the side and we start moving I thought I was gonna fall off so I instantly grabbed Sawyer sides. I could fell him chuckle,
Don't worry I won't drop such precious cargo as he looked over his shoulder with a grin.

I just sat there taking in everything is was just so peaceful being out here.

So Sawyer, where are you taking me anyway?

To my family's ranch, you were lucky enough to break down on the roadside of our property and I was just out for a ride.

Yeah if that's what you luck. I guess I am lucky then. I let out some laugh.

So, all of this is your family?

Yeah, it's been in the family since 1895, My dad's great grandad built this place with his bare hands. Been passed down through the family one day my dad will pass it down to me and my brother.

Do you have any other siblings?

Miss Savannah you sure all full of questions?

What about you where are you heading to?

Well, I am still kind of figuring that. It's complicated.

Well, a there no better place than here to try to figure things out.

Well, we are here, as we came up over the hill there laid this beautiful house and barn. As you rode up the driveway you rode through a huge arch that read Wild Acres. There were pastures with cows and horses and both sides of the driveway the barn and the house was breathtaking.

Wow, I can't believe how beautiful it is here!

Yeah, it's really nice and peaceful here.

I lived in the country but not like this.

We ride up to the barn Swayer hops down and puts his arms up to me.

Here ill catch you.

You better not drop me!

There it is again that grin comes across his face. I hope down and landed into his hands I quickly grabbed his arms and could feel his muscles under my hands.
He hesitated for a minute before he put me down.

Thank you.

I just gotta put her away then I'll show to the phone ill be right back.

As I was waiting for Sawyer to come back this old man come up on horseback yelling. WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING HERE!



Ahh sir, Swayer letting me use your phone I broke down out on the road.

All of suddenly Swayer comes running out of the barn,
pa claim down I told Savannah here that she could use our phone to call Jerry.

Sawyer leaned in and whispered You'll have to excuse my pa here he still set in his old ways.

I am sorry sir I understand where you're coming from.

Before I knew he took off on his horse. I wiped the sweat off my forehead, I thought he was gonna kill me.

Jim is really harmless he may sound mean but he's a big bear,

let's go call Jerry.

I followed Swayer into the house. Sawyer grabs the phone and calls Jerry.
When Sawyer came back into the room a small grin was across his face.


The good news is Jerry will grab your car and look at it.

But what..?

But the bad news is that he won't be able to get to it till Monday.

What, no I need my car I have nowhere's to stay!

Savannah your more than welcome to stay here till your car gets fixed.

I don't know where I would stay for the next two days.

Yeah, you're more than welcome to stay but, there one thing.

Of course, anything!

You just have to work no one eats or stays for free.

Okay, understandable I may not know much but just show me what to do.

Perfect I was going to go Apple-picking this afternoon so you can help me with that.

Awesome lead the way!

I followed Sawyer out the door, and to the tractor and take off out on a dirt trail. We came around the corner and there where 100s of Apple trees the tractor came to a stop and Sawyer hopped down.

Wow, this is so awesome and beautiful out here.
You are truly lucky to have this in your back yard.

I really am, there nothing better then fresh apple pie or some homemade apple pie moonshine sure does warm you up on cold days!

You chuckled at Sawyer then started to look at the trees all the apples were out of reach.

Um Sawyer, how do you suppose we get these apples down?

Well, we can claim the trees or you can get on my shoulders and grab the apples.

I looked at the trees and then looked at Sawyer I could see the defiance of his muscles through his shirt.
Well, I was never a good tree climber so ill take the risk of your shoulders.

I was hoping you would say that.

He kneed down and I climbed up on top of his shoulders, hold on going up.

So Savannah, what's it like where you're from?

Well, I live in New York but not the city I lived in the country up by the mountains but nothing like this. There are lots and lots of trees back home.

Before I knew it Sawyer was putting me back down on the ground.

Well, Miss Savannah, I think our work here is done.

Really! That was a lot of fun!

We loaded the apple up into the bucket of the tractor and head for the house.
When we reach the house Sawyer said he had to do some barn chores I could help if I wanted to.

Of course, what can I help you with?

Well, I have to feed and water all the animals so if you want I'll feed and you can water. This way we will get done even sooner.

Okay, show me the way.

It really didn't take as long as I thought it would. But that's okay because my stomach started grumbling and I knew it was getting hungry.

Thank you Savannah, Let's go get ready for dinner. I hope you're not a vegetarian?


Well, I hope you're not a vegetarian I hope you eat meat because dinner has been cooking all day.

Oh yeah no definitely not a vegetarian!

Good, I got my famous pot roast cooking followed by a fresh apple pie.

Sawyer the chef!

He chuckled at that. No, I just really enjoy cooking just don't have much time some days.

We walked into the house and it just takes your breath away it's so beautiful.
It's all done in Wood and you can tell it's the original it has that Homie rustic feeling to it. It wasn't small but it was huge either. It was cozy and it felt right.

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