Alive or Dead

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I try to open my eyes but I can't.
I try again. I can hear something where am I.
I feel warm and comfortable.
Is this what heaven feels like.
I try moving, I can feel that something is next to me.

I hear a soft raspy whisper.

I try to open my eyes again and I must be dead because there's an angel sitting in front of me.
I could see his whole face light up. I honestly can say that I've never seen someone so happy to see me.

You had me worried. The Doctor came and checked you out your going to be okay just need to rest.

I couldn't and didn't say anything other than grab for his hand.

There it was again his face lighting up.
I tried to move over a little bit I wanted him to lay with me. I just wanted the comfort of someone being with me.

You need anything?

I just patted the bed next to me.

He said no more and laid down next to me.
I crawled up next to him. I put my head down on his chest and I could hear his heart racing before I knew it I was sleeping again.

I've never had such strong feelings for someone I feel like I can tell him anything! Other then Aira I never felt right that I fit in. With Sawyer, I felt alive that I could do anything.



I wish she would just wake up so I knew she was okay. I can't take this anymore. I moved over and sat on the edge of the bed and just stared at her. Yeah I know what you're thinking that's creepy but it wasn't she was completely beautiful and the sad thing is she doesn't even know it. I don't know how her mom and dad could walk out on her I don't know how a guy could do such things to such amazing women.
You could tell she was broken and for some reason, I want to make everything better for her. Before she came every day was a drag she walking into any room and you can feel the joyfulness.

She starts to move witch snapped me out of my thoughts.

Her eyes opened and they just started glowing she had no face expressions but she didn't have to you could see it all in her eyes.

The Doctor came a checked you out your going to be okay you just need to rest.

She grabbed for my hand when she touched me it sent shocks my body. I wanted every bit of her so badly. I saw her trying to move over.

Do you need anything?
She just padded the bed next to her.

When she put her head on my chest I thought I was going to explode. My heart was racing so fast. She made me feel so many emotions I've never felt before this was nothing like the weekend girlfriend.
She fell back to sleep so I laid there a bit longer just before I got I moved the hair from her face and kissed her forehead softly before getting up.
I really didn't want to go but I had to do the chores fast. I knew she would be sleeping for a bit and was hoping to get back before she knew. Katie had dropped off our horse this morning luckily she did it when no one was up yet. The snow had stopped it and all melted too. We do get some random weather from time to time. It took me way longer then I wanted it to but everything is done.

Pa was already asleep witch is good seeing I was sleeping with Savannah tonight.
After I showered I went back into Savannah's room doesn't even look like she had moved. I walked over and tried to crawl back into bed. I lifted the blanket and her arm up and laid down.

Where you going soft harshest came from her.

Nowhere's go back to sleep.

She put her head on my chest and ran her fingers up and down my chest. I couldn't take a second more of her doing that do me. I grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead. I could feel her let out all the air she had in her.

Thank you, Sawyer!


Were my eyes playing games with me? Was Sawyer really in bed with me right now?
Jesus, fuck I have to get out of here!
When I tried to get out of bed I felt very strong arms grab me and pull me back. He had a smile on his face with his eyes closed.

You shouldn't be getting up yet. You need to take it easy.

He looked up at me and padded the pillow for me to lay back down so I did so.

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