Chapter 9.) The Plan.

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      I sat down on my desk and opened my notebook to fresh new page.
Now what?
I first wrote down what I knew. Then i'll write what I have to ask Lucy, then I'll think of a plan.

                           Plan Lucy

•Has an abusive dad.
•He's manipulative.
•He's gotten away from crime.
•He killed Lucy's mothe

He killed Lucy's mother.. his own wife.. what kind horrendous man is he?

He killed Lucy's mother.
•He plans on forcing Lucy to marry Mr.Goldsworth.
•Lucy has bruises and marks on her body. -locations unknown-

Thats all I know. Now for the questions:

Why didn't you move out?
Did you see the murder happen?
Do you know who Gajeel even is?
How rich is he?
Is he involved with Scale Estate?
Does he know people within the authorities or other?

Hmm.. yep, that's good! Maybe Lucy already has a plan? OH, that's a good question-

Did you have a plan?
What was your plan?
What did you intend to do?

Bam! Hell yeah. Okay, time to go ask Lucy!

"Lucyy!" I knocked on her door and she opened it, I could see some of her room, although i've never seen the inside of it.

"Yes Natsu?"

"May I come in your room?"

"Uh yeah sure-" She let me in and closed the door.

"But why?"

"We needa discuss about the plan,duh."

"Oh I see!"

I didn't look at her while I was talking, I was staring at her room realizing just how amazing Lucy is. A window and her bed next to it, a nicely organized desk opposite of it. Her room was colored a light gray. It was lit mostly by the sunlight beaming through the windows. Man I feel so free in her room, it's so spacious and it has more room to move!

"So what'd you wanna talk about? Uh- specifically I mean.."

"Well~" I took out my notebook and stared intensely at her.

"First I'm gonna ask you some questions, then we'll discuss about how the plan will go, I have an idea."

"Okay, ask ahead."

"First! Why didn't you move out of the house before?"

"I couldn't, he told me if i did, then he'd kill me... it's usually murderous threats.."She seemed uncomfortable but determined. I wrote it down and continued..

"Did you witness the murder?"

She stopped.

"Y-Yes.. Although.. it's very blurry to me.. I was only about 5 or so. He stabbed her in the stomach.. multiple times.. then he stuck the knife through her cheek and then back in her head.
I can't remember something though.. He... he... he did something... he said something to.. someone.. but i forgot who.. it wasn't me because I was screaming and crying, and when he said it, he said it to someone behind me.."

Simply Lost Love. {Nalu Highschool Story}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz