Chapter 6.) Can I Trust Him?

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"so." I said, in a rather mad tone.

"Lucy, let's go over to that park!"


We made our way there and sat an a bench while starring at the sunset. He seemed tense..... understandable.

"Lucy, Im sorry for acting out back in the library- i saw a few of my friends and i knew they would jump to conclusions, so i panicked and just thought of an excuse."

what kinda excuse is that? doesn't matter because im trying to stay away from people at ALL. COSTS.

"I suppose it's fine. But I can't accept your friendship..."

"Why not?!"

ah jeez.why did i even bother to show up.

"Sorry, I have my reasons but don't intend to tell anyone anytime soon."

"Then... Can you at least go to the dance with me?"

what. WHAT?!

"Im sorry but i just said that I didn—"

"I know about your deal with
Mr. Goldsworth.... so it doesn't matter.."


"how do you-..."

"Im part of his families estate. Technically his cousin. We had a meeting where he announced that he was going to marry Lucy Heartfillia. I knew you came to my school, I also knew what kind of person HE was.. so I decided to try and save you before anything happened."

"That's how? How exactly do you plan on helping this situation??? It's really difficult to even go out with ANYONE without being seen by my dad!"

"I told him that you and I were dating. So h-"

"WHAT?! Why did you tell him something like that?"

"It was the only thing I had in mind.. sorry. But he told me that I was supposed to bring you to the house in the next 3 months or so when he's free to meet you. So in these three or so months... im gonna get you to fall for me..."

"But why? Isn't it easier to just fake a relationship?"

"Yes but, he wants us to kiss in front of him to prove our love... so I don't want to take your first kiss from you unwillingly, I'd rather have you actually want to kiss me."

i get he's trying to help me... but why? i was planning on just running away anyway...

"That wouldn't be easy though.... it's hard to fall in love with someone when you know that it's only fake. If I were to actually date you... then it wouldn't really mean anything since it's a one sided love. It wouldn't work."

"Lucy... you're very smart... but i never said that I didn't find you attractive.."


woah... someone actually hit on me! i thought that would never happen! wait but didn't Natsu als—god damnit...

"So... what you're saying is that we're gonna fall in love with each other.. prove it... then im free?"

"Yes. Your dad agreed to it as well.."

"it's gonna be hard... but if it means not running away then..... okay..."

"Good. Now... about that dance and number thing.."

"Huh? well...."

Natsu's going with Lisanna..
Levy told me in class today that the girls might go with dates.... so...

"i guess it wouldn't hurt... Sure! I'll go to the dance with you! And here's my number!"

If it means leaving this hell life! Then I'll do it!

-The Walk home-

"Bye Lucy, i'll see you again some other time!"

"yeah... bye bye.."

I began walking to the dorm building.. but then something hit me..
Can i trust this guy?
I hardly just met him, but he seems to know almost everything about me...
I guess.. I'll try and trust someone again...

after so many years..

i'll forgive trust...


"S-Sorry Natsu! I was with Hibiki remember? We just had a small talk."

He starred at me for a while before, sighing... the bursting into laughter?

"Uhm— Natsu?"

"Im so dumb... I was gonna go lookin for you... haha!...You seriously had me worried Lucy!" He smiled softly and brought his face close to mine. I felt my heart race faster and faster...

"Don't every worry me like that again.. Kay Luce?"

His face was full with concern... how am I supposed to fall in love with Natsu being overprotective of me?

"Y-Y-Yes im sorry!"

"Here. Gimme your number.. so then i'll be able to text you!"

giving my number to TWO GUYS in ONE DAY?..... that's a record!

"Oh uhm... okay... Here. I'll type it in your phone, and you type it in mine.."

he typed his number in my phone as i typed mine in his.... why did i have to meet Natsu? he could've lived a perfectly normal life without me..... now im here.. falling in love with him... without a reason...

"Done! Here Ya go!"

"Thank you!" I handed him his phone back and he handed mine back.Oh.


He wrote his name with a heart...

"U-Uhm... why is there a heart?"

"Hm? Hey you noticed! Haha! I'm glad you did! I put it for fun, you have hearts next to everyone's name - except that Hibiki guy..- soo~ I helped you blend me in!"

hehe... whatta dork..

"Oh... hehe... thanks..."



I laid in bed thinking about everything that just happened.

"My life is so can I fix it? "

Im so happy... yet confused....  Is this really happening? That doesn't matter... I'll be free.. when that's over.. i'll leave this state and move away... start a new life... a better one...

But i need to make Natsu happy and help him worry less about me... but without getting closer and... growing stronger... feelings... for.. him..GAH.

"Yeah! My life doesn't matter.. the only thing that does is Natsu's happiness!"


Huh? Who's up this late?

       Delivered at 12:56,Wednesday
Natsu💕- Dummy. I can hear you. ;)


          Sent at 12:57, Wednesday

Natsu💕- It's fine! Haha. (*^^*)

Me- σ(^_^;) (#^.^#)


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