Chapter 4.) Healing The Broken Bond.

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i stood still in shock. No way in hell he just winked at me.... i must be imagining things.... he barely just me a few days ago, 2 days ago to be exact! i-i needa think this through. i walked into my room and slumped on my bed.


...what am i supposed to do..? I barely just met Natsu and i already like him... what's the point in my feelings anyway? Fathers gonna make me marry Mr.Goldsworth no matter what.....


Delivered Wednesday 6:39
Levy- Lucy! There's a dance after school on Friday for a welcome back by the teachers!! You gonna come?!

Me- I don't know, Im not good with dances, either way, I have no one to go with.

Levy- So000? We'll be single pringles together! I got your back, don't you worry!

Lucy- That'd be kinda weird if it was just the two of us..

Levy- Juvia, Erza, Wendy, and Mira are coming along as well!

Lucy- Okay, I'll think about it.

Levy- Awh Man! You're no fun! You better say yes!


i felt a sharp pain in my stomach. i've been starving myself for two years now... but it was only breakfast and dinner....i guess its effecting me now...


i held my stomach in pain as i tried not to make a sound... OWW.... i stumbled out of my room and tried to go to the bathroom before the pain began getting worst. i bent down holding my stomach in greater pain.

"Lucy! What's wrong?!" Natsu ran up to me trying to help me.

"c-cramps..." glad that periods exist for once..

"Oh! I see, here! I'll make you a quick warm meal before we leave.."

"No! i-its-.....f-fine.."

"Well sucks cause i'm already preparing it."

i sighed as he helped me walk into the bathroom.

i stared in the mirror....

why am i so ugly..?

im so disgusting...

"you're a hoe!"

"Nothing but a lying slut!"

"makes money by sleeping with men!"

"a disgusting whore."

"a murder!"

"a useless bitch!"

cold tears fell down my cheeks as i stared at a horrendous monster in the mirror.... i feel sick.... my cheeks puffed out as i went to the toilet and began puking.


i walked out a few seconds later and sat down on the table..


i turned my phone off... there's still a lot of time left...

"There ya go Luce! How ya' feelin'?"

"much better.."

"Good! I want you to taste my ultra-mega Natsu Breakfast Dish!!"

i giggled at Natsu's silliness.... my face went warm as Natsu handed me the dish. i began eating and i felt WAY better eating an ACTUAL meal.

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