Chapter 18

701 36 18

We reached 18 sksks What is this!!! Thank you everyone who reads this! I wanna do a Q and A.
What do you think?

-Germany's House-

Everything was dark and gloomy. Germany sat in the middle of the living room. Everywhere he went he was surrounded by thoughts and objects that reminded him of his brother. Hell, even Italy was starting to remind him of his brother.

  A single tear ran down his face. How could this have happened? Is this punishment for the path he chose years ago? Germany sat there silently as more tears ran down his face.

"BROTHER!" an energetic 18 year old Prussia ran into the room.
Prussia was trying to get on his brothers good side since Ludwig was acting cold. Then again it was only a year ago that they met.
He assigned Ludwig to be the age of 6 even though counting any countries age like a humans age was more or less impossible, but it comforted him. It made him feel human, like he had more purpose than to just work for his leaders as a country that can't fall in love. Though France proved them wrong on that.
Prussia stares around the deserted bedroom. It was still clean, not a single piece of dust any wear. That was one of the things his bother had in common, wanting to be overly clean, while that weirdo Hungary could never keep up. Something Prussia told Hungary every day to make himself seem more superior since he was "awesome".
Prussia was about to leave the room when he heard small sobs come from a corner of the room. He turned around and saw Germany. He had a scratch on his leg and ladder next to him. He was probably trying to reach something on the shelf above.
Prussia only sighed wishing he had called for help.

"Yah!" Prussia called out in his usual loud tone so Germany would hear " What are you doing?!"
Germany shook a little, his blue eyes brimming with more tears before he started crying again, a little quieter.
Prussia's eyes soften.
He never meant to be that hard in him. It was uncalled for, though being loud was in his nature.
Prussia leaned down and picked up Germany, feeling as he tensed up just a little.
"Hey, look at me.."
Germany timidly raised his head.
"Don't cry, you are a warrior and could do anything. I will always be beside you when you go into battle so stop crying."
Prussia wiped his tears and gave him a smile.
Germany never cried after that

-End of Flashback-

  Germany quickly wiped his tears and got off the chair he had rarely moved from this week. He walked to the phone and dialed in a number his hands sweaty from them being clenched in a fist so much.

"Can you please schedule a meeting?"


*At America's house*

Japan had fallen asleep in the car. The meeting tired him out that right after getting McDonalds ,and convincing America to not buy the entire menu, he dozed off.

America looked at him fondly. Kiku's hair fell over his eyes, laying flat. His lips were slightly open, and they were also the same pretty shade of pink they usually were. Kiku's cheeks were pink and you could still see a little bit of his baby fat on the cheeks.

"Adorable.." Alfred whispered, kissing the top of his head.
He slowly picked up Kiku from the car and walked into his house to put Kiku in the guest bed. They both were gonna need rest. Something told Alfred they weren't gonna get that for awhile.

Soooo Did you like it??
Its finals season and I'm about to graduate soon. FINALLYYY

Anyway thanks for all the positive comments. They really help!! :D

-Author-Chan OUT

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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