Chapter 6

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( I hope you enjoy this fanfic!!!)

The next day they had another meeting (since they got nothing done at the last one). At this meeting is when all HELL broke loose. It all started in the morning. Japan was tired mainly cause he didn't get enough sleep but was wide awake enough to notice a few things. One of these things: Italy was... cranky!

Germany told Japan how Italy ran out of pasta. This had only happened once in the past  but it wasn't to bad cause Spain had extra pasta. This time Spain, Romano, and Germany didn't have any pasta left over.

Then in the meeting room China and Russia were being very suspicious. They kept whispering and glaring at America. I mean Japan knew Russia did not like America but this was different.

Germany led the meeting after England failed at controlling everyone in the room. Germany didn't even try to scold Italy to pat attention because he was so upset. I mean pasta was important to him.

  The meeting went normal like any other meeting , nations talking and adding their part to different topics. The. it was Russia's turn... and thats when it took a turn for the worst.

"I would like to talk about Nuclear Weapons. Is that ok, da?"

No one stood up to try and stop him. Germany tried and so did America but Russia stared them down.

"Japan," He said pointing at the Asian nation "Would you like to talk about it?"

Japan started shaking remembering what had happened. He was starting to forget about it to. America saw Japan shake a little and wanted to rush over and give him a hug but decided not to as Russia walked over to him, but America was still on guard.

"How painful was it...Do you forgive America.." Russia started saying "Would me create one?"

"Such a let your people down.." China started saying " Don't you hate America."

"No..I don't." Japan said still shaking.

"How painful was tell?" Russia said almost touching Japan's wound before America said "STOP!" and rushing over to Japan.

China tried to stop him but America pushed right through him. He grabbed Japan and walked with him out of the meeting room. America planned to take him to his house. He didn't trust Japan being so close to China.

As they walked Japan's eyes welled up as he stared at America. Such bad memories. America looked behind seeing tears in Japan's eyes.

America turned around and hugged to Japan's surprise. Japan did not push him away but hugged hum back. America followed by picking up Japan (who is very very light) and carried him on his back.  Soon enough Japan fell asleep without saying a word.

- Back at the meeting room -

Russia tried following them but was stopped by England, France, Canada, Prussia, Germany and Italy.

"What do you think your trying to pull mate?" England ask.

"Step out of my way." Russia said glaring a creepy smile at England.

"No." England replied trying to look strong.

"Then I will just use force!" Russia said pushing England down.

He was stopped by Italy who was so mad because of everything that happened and the fact that he had no pasta. Italy slapped Russia distracting him and the rest of the countries held him down long enough to let America and Japan escape.

Russia glowered. He will become better.

He will dl anything...

(I hope you enjoyed! I will try and post more!!!)

The Mysteries of This Little Nation (Ameripan) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ