Chapeter 10

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The next meeting both Japan and America were at. They both loved each other but they didn't know how to say it. They acted like nothing had happened when really something did!! They had kissed. Japan told Germany and Italy while America told Canada, France, and England.

~With Japan~

"WOWIE! JAPAN KISSED SOMEONE!!" Italy screamed becoming really excited.

"Lower your voice Italy-san... Someone could hear you!" Japan said his face becoming red at the thought of other nations finding out.

" So Japan, who is the lucky lady, ve~~!?"

"I would like to know this as well." Germany said with a thick German accent.

"It was umm.. America-San..."

"What really???" Italy started which caused Japan to gulp worrying about their reaction.

"Thats COOLIO!!" Italy shouted getting the attention of Cuba who was across the room.

Italy, Germany, and Japan talked for the rest of the time about a plan. Italy believed Japan should confess before it was to late. Germany agreed. If he really liked Alfred he needed to confess before something happened.

~With America~

"Ohonhonhon! He got a kiss~."

"Bloody Frog, shut up! But thats great Alfred."

"Oh maple thats great for you!!"

  America faced what he considered to be his family. England and France both kinda raised him and Canada was his twin so they were the people he would tell first.

"Well, who was it that you kissed America?" England said.

"Well umm it was..." America scratched the back of his neck worried.

"Well, come on!" England said becoming impatient.

"FINE DUDE!" America said a little to loud, " It was...Japan."

The nations then became quiet and looked at each other before France spoke up.

"That is great Alfred!!" France said laughing a little at the end.

"It is!" Canada said in a somewhat scream that was still fairly silent.

America watched England then and saw how upset he was.

" You can't trust him.." England said in a whisper.

"What did you say??" America and France asked.


"WHY NOT?!" America said upset.


This was America's first time in awhile hearing England call him his actual name. America stood there in shock looking at the nation who's face was red from anger.

"Today we will head to Japan's house and snoop around..." England started "I promise you will find something."

"Why should I? I trust him!" America said his voice raising a little.

" Just never know." America agreed to go and told Japan that he would be coming home late.

~At Kiku's House~

  After a long drive England and America reached Japan's house. The lights were off but  you could still see light from the garden.

The outside of the house was fairly simple but the inside was so detailed and decorated. On the wall were drawings of old times up until America came. A tiny table was in the middle of the room and had a basket of oranges on it. Next to the table was a stack of books England decided to go through.

  On top were history books about Germany,  Japan, and Italy. Then in the middle was a load of anime books. There was Sailor Moon and there was Naruto. England gave up his search by the time he reached the sixth anime book he saw.

  They then ventured down the hallway and toward other rooms.

There was a guest room that had nothing more than a picture on a wall with a bed. The next room was the Kitchen.

The kitchen was a decent size for Japan and had fruit in a basket. There was also knives which England looked at, but confirmed they were only cooking knives. The fridge still had food in it and the cabinets had loads of rice.

They got to the last room finally which was Japan's room. For someone who seemed so put together, Japan's room was cluttered. It had things from 1000 years ago and it also had brand new things in it as well.

  They looked all around the room but found nothing. America started feeling positive that England was wrong. Japan was innocent and that Brit was wrong. He had to hold in his hero laugh until England claimed defeat.

  " I FOUND SOMETHING!" England said making America shake a little. He found.. something... America thought.

  When he walked over he saw England holding a dvd. England smiled slyly as though he had just solved the world's hardest math problem.

" Its only a dvd.." America said.

" No, we are going to play it at the meeting and have Japan and all the nations react to it."

"How do you know it even has something bad on it?" America asked skeptical of the British man.

"Just trust me America."

  They left the house and drove a long ride back to America's house. That night America couldn't fall asleep. He was fo worried about what would happen at the next meeting. There was only one day before the meeting would happen.

   America felt guilty. He snuck into Japan's house for what? For a dvd? He said he trusted Japan. Why did he go? Why?!

  The guilt to America over. He promised himself that he would tell Japan what happened.  He had a right to now what happened, to be warned before the next meeting.

    Since America couldn't sleep he ended up walking to the guest room Japan was in. He opened the door quietly and sat down next to the sleeping nations bed.

   Japan looked so .... peaceful. His chest  fell gently while he breathed. His hair laid so perfectly on the pillow. The light from the window reflected the moon perfectly on Japan's hair. His face had still a tint of pink and was so very fair.

   America was about to get up and leave when he felt a tug on his sleep. He turned to see Japan tugging at his sleeve.

"Don't leave...please." Japan said his words slurred because he was so tired.

  America blushed lightly and sat back down falling asleep right at Japan's bed side.

( A/N Hope you like the story! 1000 words! WOW! Also thank you for the reads jt means a-lot. ^^
Next chapter will probably have a lot of angst and fluff so be prepared!!

Author-Chan OUT)


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